
  1. MiniBarnFarm


    I already have 1 wether, he's my not so little baby boy, and also have 3 ewe's - in a couple of days I have the chance to look through a friends herd of newly weaned lambs I really want another boy, I find them more friendly I just can't help but worry about the first wether's thoughts on having...
  2. trampledbygeese

    prolapse ewe in labour - no birth bubble yet - when to assist? What to do?

    Please help. Vet is closed and I'm not sure if I should get involved or let the ewe keep going on her own. I'm in tears with worry. 3 year old, black welsh mountain ewe, her name is Mini. This is her second year. This is my third year lambing, second year lambing on my own. I have a lot...