
  1. Krysten Frasure

    Lamb head/neck injury

    long story short, our 1 week old lamb was bitten by my dog. My dog is a Great Dane. Her eye was very swollen and seems off. She had blood coming out of her nose and a small cut under her eye. She was laying there all limp and when I picked her up her neck just flopped. Was going to put her down...
  2. Kasey

    A young lamb not gaining weight?

    Back in the beginning of November, I had twin lambs born. One had very weak back legs and could not stand, while the other was a healthy large female. A month later the female sadly died due to bloat, but the male lived and continued to thrive. About December he had suddenly gotten sick and...
  3. K

    Switching nipples

    ok so I’ve raised my lambs on 9oz dollar store baby bottles thus far. They are now ready for much bigger quantities so I got 1 quart bottles with lamb nipples and they hate them! I have to force feed them. I hate having to bringing out the extra formula and pour multiple bottles so how do I...
  4. WildOaksManor

    Scours in bottle fed lamb - 60 hrs old??

    This is my first bottle baby, rejected at birth. Wensleydale ram. He got colostrum for the first 6 hrs, then two long 15 min feeds, 12 hrs apart while the ewe was restrained. Obviously not sure exactly how much he got. He is now on powdered milk replacer. Started out feeding 4 ounces every 3 hrs...
  5. Matt n Lee

    Lang Family Farms - 2018 Lambs

    We had an eventful weekend ya'll. 2 of our 7 ewes have lambed. That means they we pregnant before we got them and will let us add some new blood to the herd YAY!
  6. newton the goat

    any bets for when she is due?

    So my ewe is seriously pregnant though she doesnt have an udder yet i know that she is over two months (been keeping a very close eye on them daily watching how the have changed etc) Her vulva looks normal but recently her personality has turned to the exact opposite it was previously. Instead...
  7. BunnyBoxHop

    Cutest Sheep/Lamb Contest~ Ends August 20th 2017

    Howdy and welcome to my contest! :woot Rules 1. Follow all BYH rules! 2. Be nice 3. NO cussing or censoring letters 4. Tell a friend! (You don't have to, but I would love if you did! :p) 5. HAVE FUN!!! Fill out this form Sheep/Lamb: Breed: Age: Gender (if known): Name: Picture: I will choose...
  8. G

    sick barbado ram lamb

    Hi: I have a barbado black belly orphan ram lamb. He keeps running a fever off and on. I hate to put him with my other sheep while he has a fever The vet gave me Lixotonic to put in his milk replacer. He is barely a month old. He seems to be healthy otherwise. I just do not know what to...
  9. Josephine Parkinson

    Limping 2-Week Old Lamb

    I have a limping 2-Week old suffolk ewe lamb. None of her hooves are hot and there are no swellings on her legs. I'm new to both sheep and BYH (though I am WildWyandott110 on BYC). Any advice? I'm REALLY worried.... She and another lamb I keep for company are both bottle babies and have decent...
  10. The Curly girl

    New lamb Mommy

    So. My hubby and I got a St. Croix lamb 2 weeks ago. He was only 7 hr old. The reason we did was his mom did not accept him, and wouldn't let him eat. The farmer told my husband and I he wouldn't have time to bottle feed him... So we took the lamb. My husband and I live in a pretty big ranch but...
  11. The Curly girl

    Hi EVERYONE I'm new to the site and to the ranch life.

    Hi :) My name is Fernanda. I am 25 yrs old and from Mexico. I was born in Mexico and was raised both in Mexico and L.A California. Despite the fact that I always had a city life, my soul always knew I wanted to be around nature. When I was 20 I moved back to Mexico "for good". Little did I...
  12. The Curly girl

    Raising a sheep as a pet.

    So. My hubby and I got a St. Croix lamb 2 weeks ago. He was only 7 hr old. The reason we did was, his mom did not accept him, and wouldn't let him eat. The farmer told my husband and I he wouldn't have time to bottle feed him... So we took the lamb. My husband and I live in a pretty big ranch...