nigerian dwarf goats

  1. Jacob Zierke

    Goat fencing

    I'm getting two Nigerian Dwarf does soon and I am trying to figure out the whole fencing thing.... A while ago my brothers raise goats in electric goat netting and never had any problems with getting out or injuries. This seems like the best option for us, since we want to move them around a lot...
  2. L

    Newbie here! I need help find a reputable breeder!

    Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here and am loving all the great advice from experienced people!! We currently have dogs, cats, hens, and our amazing rooster Bandit! However, I am really excited to start a small goat herd with nigerian dwarf goats. My mother-in-law has COPD and can't drink store...
  3. Finge

    Advice for fencing and Shelter for goats

    So, I'm lookin' for advice before I even start building anything from more experienced goat owners. I am planning on getting Nigerian dwarf goats, and I'm stumped on what to do about shelter. This year, so far, this year has been pretty hot and only started to get cold around Thanksgiving, and...
  4. Finge

    New member here from Missiouri

    Hi! I'm new to the site, and found it by frantically searching for cheap goat projects for ideas for my upcoming farm. To get a feel for the questions im going to be asking and such(since im going to be asking a lot xD), I live in Missouri, in complete no where from all sides right next to a...
  5. totesmcgoats

    Electric Fence Netting

    For those of you that have the electric fence netting, where did you get it? I've found different suppliers, but I'd like to poll the collective to make sure I get a good quality fence. Thanks in advance!
  6. E

    Questions about the care of backyard Nigerian Dwarf Goat wethers

    Hi! I'm Elise, I just joined. I'd like to introduce myself and ask a few questions. My family and I are looking into purchasing two or three young NDG wethers to have as companions/pets in our backyard (don't worry, there's space.) Since we will likely be bringing them home around mid-July...