
  1. A Swede in France

    Urinary Calculi - How long will it last?

    Hi everyone! My 10 month Ouessant wether Boris has urinary calculi. So far, he's not blocked, but he has painful episodes of a few hours when he's passing stones. My question is - does anyone have any idea for how long these episodes will occur? Not how long one episode lasts, but how many days...
  2. Farmercharliesblog

    My sheep journal.

    Hi. I am on my first year of sheep farming and I love it. I have decided to start this blog and share my tips and secrets and get tips. Does anyone k ow how to train a sheep dog? Mine just ate a pile of fresh sheep poop strait from one of my sheep boys butts. Harness work a bit but he still...
  3. C

    Sheep Illness

    I’ve had one of my ewes exhibiting some sick-like behaviors. It’s my first year with my flock of 7. (3 lambs, 3 ewes and one ram.) We got our ram early in October, he was in by Oct 17 and marked 2/3 of my ewes right away. Didn’t remark them after that. Around 11/23, one of my ewes was slower to...
  4. G

    Lamb with weak hips

    I'm very new to this forum, but I joined because I feel like this would be the best place to find help for my problem. One of my sheep, a lamb who's just over a year old, suddenly started having some problem with her hips: She's able to stand just fine. She's bright and alert. Doesn't show any...
  5. C

    Adding one goat in with two sheep?

    Hello! I currently have two pet katahdin ewes who were born in February. There is a 13 week old doe goat for sale and I was wondering if they would bond if I got her? The sheep are easygoing, curious and friendly and I've had goats before that have bonded with other species (my childhood goat...
  6. ewe&me

    URGANT: how frequently should I give my sheep Ivermectin Sheep Drench?

    I have situation that is close to an emergency: My sheep has severe worm toxicity, and I ran out of my regular dewormer (all-natural plant-based). As a backup emergency option, I have some Duravet Ivermectin Sheep Drench that has been in my livestock first-aid-bin for over a year, and I've never...
  7. T

    Questions about shetland sheep

    Hello I’ve been lurking around for a while but this is my first time posting. I’m thinking of getting 2 or 3 Shetland ewes in the next year and have questions First, I live in the city legally I can keep miniature livestock, including Shetland sheep, but I live on a 5,000 sq foot lot would that...
  8. peteyfoozer

    Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)

    In 2007, we left my home of almost 30 years, along with my training operation (I spent my life as a professional horse trainer) my family and my friends, and took a job on a 250,000 acre cattle ranch in SE Oregon beneath the Steens We are 2 hours from closest town, which has very little to...

    I'm a little impaitent

    .....SO. Our ewe had a lamb a day ago [its a girl] and I got so excited about the lamb...but then, it hit me. I COULD MILK THE EWE AND MAKE CHEESE AGAIN. So, I'm over here gettin' ahead of myself...then I realize; I GOTTA WAIT FOR ABOUT TWO WEEKS BEFORE I CAN DO THAT :barnie:hit
  10. RobertPaulson

    Finding the Right Sheep

    Hello everyone, I'm new to ranching, but I have about 12 acres of pasture on my homestead that I want to put some sheep on. I'm living in Eastern NC, in Duplin County about 45 miles from the coastal town of Wilmington. All this to say, the weather is pretty mild all year round, but...
  11. C

    Sheep feed causing weakness and collapse?

    We're concerned that the sheep grain (dumor Lamb and Ewe) we have been feeding a few of our lambs and ewes is causing issues. Sometimes *as they are eating the grain* one will get suddenly weak, wobbly, and then find a corner to collapse in. Could this be toxins in the grain? Would that cause...
  12. BrahmerQueen

    Treating mange in sheep?

    I think my ewe Barbara has mange. The vet told us that's what it was and we decided it wasn't because none of the other sheep she was with got it, but the other day I was at a meeting for animal health and the showed pictures of it, it looked just like her. It's around her eyes and on her ears...
  13. S

    Help!! Ram lethargic drooling

    My ram just turned one. Noticed today he is lethargic with ears hanging down and hunched over head down. He won’t eat but was at the drinker drinking for 10 mins. He isn’t exactly steady on his feet, or more so just walking slow and uncomfortably. Checked my shed camera playback, last night he...
  14. Legamin

    How ‘Organic’ is Organic? What is our responsibility to man and beast?

    As Lambing comes into full swing I am reminded of the delicate balance that we are forced to strike every year in dealing with customers. It would be easy to blame the customer for being too demanding and just focus on the greatest number of surviving lamb/kids and get them to market weight in...
  15. Legamin

    Sheep Shape Shire: A Journey of Sorts #3

    The Sheep Shape Shire has been a busy place of late! New lambs, bottle babies, sadness, the meat rabbit startup, bee hive setup, high winds (again) and the chickens get a summer cottage! Whew! If it gets any busier I will have to give up sleep entirely! Though most of these things happen...
  16. Mrs.Gray1211

    Cough? Gag? Rumen issue?

    Hey friends, We have a pelibuey/dorper ewe. Not sure of her age but we’ve had her approximately one year. In October she birthed a healthy female lamb. About 5 days ago I noticed her doing an odd thing. She was almost like coughing with no sound? Yesterday she started kind of baa-ing while she...
  17. Legamin

    FDA Regulations for Vets and Sheep Producers - VCPR

    After looking on the FDA web site I am more confused that ever. It seems that by 2023 all farm producers will have no other choice for antibiotics and some NSAIDS for pain control but the Vet…not just any vet but one that has submitted to, been licensed specifically for this purpose by, the...
  18. C

    Sheep books?

    Anyone have recommendations on sheep care, handling, and health books? I need the in-depth kind of stuff, not basics/overview/breeds/etc that most books contain.
  19. Legamin

    The Sheep Shape Shire….A journey of sorts….

    When we first bought our farm we had just passed through our home being burned to the ground, our business collapsing in the chaos after the fire and unexpected forced retirement. We bought the farm to restore the 105 year old farm house and set up an antique furniture restoration shop that had...
  20. Bicoastal

    Waterer for sheep

    What kind of waterers do you all use for your sheep and goats? I'm looking for first-hand reviews of two-ball waterers, post waterers; auto waterers that have pipe run to them. Located in VA with mild winters. I have heard concerns that sheep can't use the two-ball waterers common for cattle.