
  1. Goat Whisperer

    Keep that baling twine away from your critters!!

    ****Graphic pic/video below***** I put this in the goat section because it get the most traffic. This goes for ALL animals, not just goats. This twine, although useful, is very dangerous and can KILL your animals. Please do not leave twine on the hay you feed and make sure to pick up any loose...
  2. The Curly girl

    New lamb Mommy

    So. My hubby and I got a St. Croix lamb 2 weeks ago. He was only 7 hr old. The reason we did was his mom did not accept him, and wouldn't let him eat. The farmer told my husband and I he wouldn't have time to bottle feed him... So we took the lamb. My husband and I live in a pretty big ranch but...
  3. The Curly girl

    Hi EVERYONE I'm new to the site and to the ranch life.

    Hi :) My name is Fernanda. I am 25 yrs old and from Mexico. I was born in Mexico and was raised both in Mexico and L.A California. Despite the fact that I always had a city life, my soul always knew I wanted to be around nature. When I was 20 I moved back to Mexico "for good". Little did I...
  4. The Curly girl

    Raising a sheep as a pet.

    So. My hubby and I got a St. Croix lamb 2 weeks ago. He was only 7 hr old. The reason we did was, his mom did not accept him, and wouldn't let him eat. The farmer told my husband and I he wouldn't have time to bottle feed him... So we took the lamb. My husband and I live in a pretty big ranch...
  5. mysunwolf

    Mineral Mixes for Sheep

    Okay all you nutrition experts… I am having some serious trouble trying to come up with which minerals to feed my sheep. Everyone seems to have a different opinion in what % and mix is best for sheep. The copper thing is confusing to say the least because of the new evidence that sheep do...
  6. M

    Help me learn...

    hey all! Just moved to our first little homestead in August... Have chickens now and plan to add meat rabbits in Spring. Currently we are still technically in city limits though we have acreage, but it prevents us from having "livestock". However We have a friends with alpacas on 40 acres who...
  7. mysunwolf

    mysunwolf - four acres and some sheep

    I figured I should break down and start a journal, since I keep having the urge to post TMI in my lambing and other threads :p My spouse and I have four acres, a home on it, and plenty of critters. We have dabbled and experimented with quite a few livestock breeds and are currently very pleased...