Welcome from Minnesota! we are practically neighbors LOL. @goatgurl is right. Goats will change your life for the better. And I absolutely love your milk stand Very nice work! I am very jealous
Welcome from another Texan! The Lone Star State is well represented, by some mighty proud goat lovers!
Love the pic of mama and her triplets ! Those little kids are just too dang cute!!!
LOVE the milking stand! I'd love a copy of the plans if you are willing to share.
I'm gearing up to get me some milk goats - Mini-Mancha's, but if I can't find any locally, I am thinking of getting a LaMancha doe and Nigerian Dwarf buck, and breed my own Mini-Mancha. Not my 1st preference though. But, a freshened LaMancha doe would at least allow me to start milking, since I'm starting to learn how to make cheese. Eventually I can get a Nigie buck and breed the two.
Its a process. But The others are so right! Goats are SOOOO addictive! There is nothing like looking into the eyes of an adoring goat!!! Have fun, and don't hesitate to ask questions. This is an awesome batch of Goaties!