You can ask 20 people what to feed goats and you get 20 different answers. My goats get straight alfalfa every day of the year. I feed it to does and bucks alike and the kids are raised on it too. Where I live alfalfa is readily available and cheaper than grass hay so everyone I know that raises goats feeds alfalfa as the main diet, and most of the time the only diet.
Watching a male goat for urinary calculi is a wise thing to do but the only time I have had a problem was when I added wheat hay to their diet thinking that the alfalfa was dangerous. Little did I know that the wheat hay C: ph ratio is way out of balance and the alfalfa was a much better choice.
I bought him Timothy hay also. So I'm giving him a mixture of that and alfalfa. But jack is doing great. He's opened up sooo much. He's still a crazy cuddler. He's still using the papers to pee. He's starting to climb things. He's drinking at least 10oz of milk. I leave his bottle on the edge of the table and when he's hungry he'll come over and stick his head to it. He loves jumping up and siting on the couch with me. We're cleaning out our shed and creating a pen for him now.
New update. Jack is a little pain in the but now. He's getting into everything and jumping everywhere. He's 100% goat now. And....... He has a baby brother now. A Nigerian dwarf kid named dandy. Dandy is 4 days old and tiny. Jack isn't too happy with him just yet. But he'll get there.
What do you all give your goats for treats? Jack loves banana and pea pods. Are banana chips and other veggies ok as long as I only feed them as treats?
I give these things as treats
Pea Pods
Grapefruit Peal
That is all I can think of right know