2 day old pups lethargic


Loving the herd life
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Kamloops, BC, Canada
I know, last time it we lost one the first night, no idea why, but no problems with the others.

This time it has been a battle. We are battling harsh wind and wet and despite even more insulation than last time I was still losing heat to drafts above 4 feet. So I have moved them into a garage type building....she wasn't thrilled and I was afraid she was going to abandon them all but eventually she settled down and fed them so I am hoping it she is going to approve and will give the little one a chance at not getting chilled. My little is nursing again and it is substantially warmer with no drafts and mom isn't overheating so I think we may be doing better. Still checking on the little ever hour or so to make sure we don't lose any ground.

But boy am I tired, night checks, bottle feeding, improving nest, moving nest, nursing my baby, baking bread, selling rabbits, and caring and feeding my 4 other kids, and trying to keep some sense of order in the house, plus the other farm chores....oh yay, its 3 and I need to think about dinner. sigh, I don't usually get wiped out but this is proving to be a lot on my plate, my mom picked a good two weeks to go on vacation :th...I sure hope we found the solution and mom can just grow those pups!


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
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North Texas
I hope that everyone made it through the weekend safe and sound...that includes you, Woodsie! I hope the pups are all well and that you got some rest. :)


Loving the herd life
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Well, my little girl is holding on. :fl The other pups are growing crazy fast but this one is taking it slow, so I am cautiously hopeful she is going to make it. Some of those boys are double her size but she has a real fighting spirit so that is more than half the battle. I have a friend who is looking for a very child oriented, smaller pup for her one acre and handful of goats and chickens.... so if she pulls through I think she will probably end up there.

Winnie, the rascal decided that some poly and a 4 foot wall was not going to stop her from making her patrols however. I came home to find her in the pasture and whining to get back into the pups and wondered who let her out?...turns out she popped some staples in the poly and wedged herself over the 4 foot wall in order to check on the fields....silly lady... that night she woke me up 4 times to get back to the pups after pulling the same stunt...seems there is no maternity leave for this one. :lol: The next day my husband put up some 2x4s horizontally in order to keep her in the room because that routine got old REAL fast.

So not a lot of rest, especially with my boy's 3rd birthday on Easter Sunday as well this weekend...all worth it though for the little critters and people in your life. I figure I'll rest when I'm dead....for now there is too many exciting adventures to be had!


Exploring the pasture
Sep 22, 2013
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In case not already covered: Rectal temp first week should be 97-98F not adult dog temperature, carefully monitor weak pups w/thermometer. Heat lamps and pads can dehydrate. I warm pups with my body or microwave rice in socks, and stimulate elimination before feeding. In my experience, even some vets mistake puppy temperature and over cook. Best of luck.


Loving the herd life
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Kamloops, BC, Canada
The losses continue...just an awful heartbreak. We lost the little miss, just was not gaining as fast as she needed to and finally got too weak and gave up. And then to make matters worse I found a nice big healthy boy whimpering and turned him and found a dark purple belly and perhaps a broken leg...must have had major internal bleeding, his right side was looking bloated and died a couple hours laters. I guess Winnie must have stepped on him by accident. I know these things can happen but it is so hard. I know it is better than having them barely pull through and passing on a sickly pup onto new owners so that gives me some consolation but it is just so hard to have such heavy losses. Sometimes you have winning streaks, sometimes losing streaks, I just never expected to have it happen to the pups on the second time when it was so easy the first. Now I have to make some difficult calls to the people that had pups reserved and tell them its not going to happen...and break some more hearts. UGHh

Then I go out today and I had a yearling Nubian doe that is aborting her kid. Sigh, tough day to be a farmer. :hit