2 Week Old Baby Goat Trouble- Second Kid Down : ( - Help Please

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
PC I have not experienced this so I was thinking if this were my goat what would I do?

First keep him in like you are, heat lamps to keep temp stable. 2cc 2x day of nutridrench. If tubing, do you know how to tube? some people get it in the lungs, tubing is tricky if you aren't trained in it, take a glove and stimulate babies bottom, like a doe would, this promotes the wanting to nurse. Babies don't poop much and can be very hard to tell. If not getting enough milk they won't urinate either. You may want to syringe feed him if he is too week and doesn't have much suck reflex. Keep trying the nipple feeding. Stimulate him by rubbing him also.


Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
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Country of Texas
PC I have not experienced this so I was thinking if this were my goat what would I do?

First keep him in like you are, heat lamps to keep temp stable. 2cc 2x day of nutridrench. If tubing, do you know how to tube? some people get it in the lungs, tubing is tricky if you aren't trained in it, take a glove and stimulate babies bottom, like a doe would, this promotes the wanting to nurse. Babies don't poop much and can be very hard to tell. If not getting enough milk they won't urinate either. You may want to syringe feed him if he is too week and doesn't have much suck reflex. Keep trying the nipple feeding. Stimulate him by rubbing him also.


Okay, I just drenched him with the nutri this morning. It was my first time tubing, but I made sure to do my research and watched videos on how to do it. I know that doesn't replace first hand experience, but I don't know anyone near me who has the know-how. I was careful and slow and had a helper. I didn't get it in his lungs; made sure to look for the signs that it wasn't in them and pinched off the tube when I was done so that it wouldn't leak out and get into his lungs. Took his temp at 8am and it was 100.2. I tried stimulating him like you suggested and after a few minutes, he urinated a lot. His tummy doesn't feel as tight now which was something I was concerned about if he wasn't digesting the food. Once he's got a temp of 101+, I'll try to offer the bottle again. This morning, he can stand on his feet and walk around some, even though he is a bit wobbly. He had discharge in both eyes this morning, which we keep wiping clean; he's trying to/ is keeping them closed.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Is there a possibility he has an inverted eyelid or even slightly inverted? Warm milk will help with the body regulating the temp. Keep the stimulation up , try a little each hour and see how he does. Not a normal bottle schedule but he is "down" I would think a little every hour may help with energy.
I imagine you are already using some probiotics too.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
If you have a vet I agree. Most of the time I am under the impression if someone is posting and needing help it is because they don't have a vet or access to one.

Have you listened to the lungs? Is it possible he may have pneumonia?

Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
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Country of Texas
I took his temp 2 hours ago and it was low 99.7. I've been trying to get his temp up (keeping a heating pad beside him) but it's just not working. I don't know if there's anything one could do for that if he's shutting down? : /

There is a vet office 30-40 min away and only two are goat vets (there are 12 vets there). My folks don't really want to add on a vet expense, especially since we have no idea how much they'll charge. I went up there to get 6 of my kids the CD&T vaccine expecting the price that the secretary told us, only to find out when the vet finished, that it was actually more. : / When the vet was giving my goats their shots, I wasn't very impressed by how all he seemed to care about was getting the job done and moving on. I personally like a vet that is more interested in my animals and explanatory about what he's doing and so forth, if that makes sense. I wish my dog and cat vet did goats; he'd get business for sure. :/

Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Country of Texas
He died earlier this afternoon. :( I'd appreciate any thoughts and future advice about what happened. This is awful to go through. :(


Ridin' The Range
Jan 31, 2014
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I went up there to get 6 of my kids the CD&T vaccine expecting the price that the secretary told us, only to find out when the vet finished, that it was actually more. : / When the vet was giving my goats their shots, I wasn't very impressed by how all he seemed to care about was getting the job done and moving on. I personally like a vet that is more interested in my animals and explanatory about what he's doing and so forth, if that makes sense. I wish my dog and cat vet did goats; he'd get business for sure. :/
I just read your last post. :hugs I am so sorry for your loss(es). I've followed this thread from the beginning but having only two goats that have never kidded, I felt unqualified to contribute any advice. I'm so sorry though, that you are having these issues with your kids.

I did want to comment on the above quote. Do you have a Tractor Supply in your area? I bought my CD-T vaccine there. It was $6 for a 10-dose bottle. I already had needles and syringes but those are only a few cents apiece. Giving the shots is really easy - just make sure you are in a muscle, jam the needle through the (tough) skin, and once it is in, depress the plunger until the dose is all in, then withdraw the needle. DH and I did our pregnant ewes in only a few minutes - and they are wild and completely unhandleable so part of that time was spent just cornering them motionless long enough to jab them.

Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Country of Texas
I do have a TSC (several actually). : ) Okay, I will look into it. Without checking for sure, I thought that I'd only be able to get it through vet prescription. Good to know. What about anaphalytic (spelling??) shock? It's my understanding that I can only get epinephrine by prescription. Thanks!