Morning all!
I have a two year old Finn with scours. Had them for about a month now. No temp, still eating and drinking great. Nursing two little ram lambs (5 wks old). Wormed about three weeks ago with Ivermec. No vet as our horse vet will not do sheep and goats. When we moved her and another ewe into this pasture, they both got scours. (This was our nursery pasture only for mamas and babies.) The other one cleared up within a few days. Hers is still runny. We did try a round of antibiotics thinking it was an infection?
We have had lots of rain (except for the past three days) which has made the pasture grow super lush and green. This is probably the richest pasture here on our farm. Had an issue last year with green poo when they were on this one! (I was paranoid until I posted about it on this message board and found out it was the rich pasture!)
Any thoughts? She hasn't lost any weight, still very active. Looks great, eyes are bright pink. Just not sure what to do...
I have a two year old Finn with scours. Had them for about a month now. No temp, still eating and drinking great. Nursing two little ram lambs (5 wks old). Wormed about three weeks ago with Ivermec. No vet as our horse vet will not do sheep and goats. When we moved her and another ewe into this pasture, they both got scours. (This was our nursery pasture only for mamas and babies.) The other one cleared up within a few days. Hers is still runny. We did try a round of antibiotics thinking it was an infection?
We have had lots of rain (except for the past three days) which has made the pasture grow super lush and green. This is probably the richest pasture here on our farm. Had an issue last year with green poo when they were on this one! (I was paranoid until I posted about it on this message board and found out it was the rich pasture!)
Any thoughts? She hasn't lost any weight, still very active. Looks great, eyes are bright pink. Just not sure what to do...