Hi, I've been stalking a bunch of lambing threads lately, and finally found one up to date! I'm getting 2 little twin ewes to breed from once they get older (purebred dorper) So i'm building up my experience, plus, i like looking at tiny baby lamb pics Just wondering, any more little lambs? Also, you're sheep look more like toys than live animals (meant as a good thing because they are just so fluffy, i really like their faces)
Greetings and welcome to BYH from NE Texas @aimmeDx Not sure why you say "finally found one up to date"? There are quite a few threads dealing with sheep that have been posted within the past few weeks... unless you're specifically looking for lambing threads. It seems that most threads (aside from journals) are started by a person with an issue or problem and once it's been addressed, the thread "dies" or goes to sleep over time. But those threads provide a wealth of information and shared experience, even if the posts aren't recent. Good to see you've been stalking Hope you'll stick around and do some browsing If you check out some of the other lambing journals, there should be lots of pics to look at. Congrats on your soon to be acquired Dorper ewes! Perhaps you could go over to the new member's area and post a quick intro? That way we can all "meet & greet" you appropriately without hijacking someone else's journal thread Oh, and please put at least your general location in your profile as that's pretty important info (climate/hot/cold/dry/wet/altitude/soil type/etc.) when/if you ask for help or advice... Make yourself at home!
Are you asking if I will have more lambs born this year, @AimeeDx ?
If so, yes, have 4 more ewes I'm waiting on to lamb.
Otherwise, I'm not sure I understand the question.