So, my experiment about the neighbor's obsessive weed spraying causing lamb deaths & deformities seem to be true.
Last year, I let the ewes on the new land freely & had lambs die, be sickly or deformed. There is a permanent, offset fence by 8ft, that I had put up to keep my animals in. But 8ft is not enough, seems the wind blew it far & wide.
This year, I put up a temporary fence to keep the ewes away from that area until late in winter. Zero problems.
The only two I lost were; one was too large & got stuck, the other developed pneumonia immediately after birth.
So, I will be fencing off the area every autumn from now on.
In other news, all ewes have lambed during the day this year. Yay!
And one of Guinevere's rams will be a wether tomorrow.