I'm going to widen the latest paddock, seems too small, by adding about 20-25ft width.
Since I'll widen the previous paddock, I decided to start on the other one by the road instead. Mowed a path for the fence, rolled out the mesh and just need to buy the posts. Need about 16 posts, it'll terminate in the water on one side and the top will go around, like previous, with a small gate, then terminate in the water as well. It'll be hot this week, so it won't be too bad wading in the pond to finish the fence.
I remembered that last year, I tossed all the ewes and keeper lambs out onto the winter field and only the rams used the paddocks...
So, there's no need to make 3 more paddocks. After this one, I'll probably stop and see if it's enough by next year.