SA Farm
Herd Master
My theory is that yearlings are more flexible and even being a little smaller may be beneficial as it could prevent the lamb(s) from too many acrobatics.2yr olds have issues, while yearlings tend not to. Funny, because most of the pet/hobby people are against yearling births, but they tend to do better than 2yr olds. How, why? Idk.
I think pet/hobby people tend to put too many human emotions/hang ups on their animals.
In nature, they breed when they’re ready. Many animals can and will choose if they want to conceive or not and will absorb/abort/etc if something is wrong. Too much human interference with nature tends to make things harder on animals, not easier (IMO). Just look at all the ones that can’t reproduce (like BB turkeys) or give birth without a c-section (like Pugs) because they were made that way by humans
I’m not saying that interfering is wrong or that waiting until ewes are older to breed isn’t just fine if that’s what you want to do. Just that I, personally, prefer things as natural as possible as much as possible.