Clefairy had a lamb! But...I found a 2nd. Dehydrated, but lively. She was too small to fit both!?
Could be out of Bayley instead?? She always twins.
None of the other sheep cared and Clefairy came up to the lamb, but early after birth, they may "accept" another until the hormones settle.
Then, need to DNA to find out sire!
Will also send samples for the 2 moms, just to be sure.
And last mystery??
"English Blue" gene is possible on the 2nd lamb! What???
This has been seen elsewhere and people freak, it shouldn't be possible at all in the breed,
Tons of mysteries to solve!
Best news is that both are ewelings! And either way, I'm keeping this odd colored lamb! For science!
Okay, picture time-
Dad and Clefairy have similar, but showed as older lambs. Hmm...
FINALLY right on an impending lambing!
I'm usually good at it, this year, only one correct. Lol...
Evangeline had a ram, nose first, legs all the way back, stuck. No room for arm and neck, so had to push him back in. Then go elbow deep to find those legs!
Need to test for sire if anyone wants him as a ram.
He was up, chatting & trying to nurse almost instantly.
Big guy, had to lay him under to nurse, lol.
The 4 mature Babydoll ewes left to lamb. Separated from the rest, so they don't lamb golly knows where again...
Then, storm is coming. Decided to find what I could to somewhat enclose the carports. Can't wait until plywood comes down in price...
Also set up the creep area and had the first nibbler!
▪︎Billy, 2R & 1E
Ewenique × Billy, white ram & black ewe.
Sugar × Billy, black ram, fast greying.
▪︎▪︎Mich escaped to Billy late, so 2 may of been bred by him instead. Will DNA test ewelings, can test rams if not wethered.
▪︎Michaelis, 3R
Piccolo × Michaelis, black ram.
Willow × Michaelis, two black rams.
▪︎Billy or Mich, 1R & 2E
Clefairy × Billy/Michaelis, black ewe, black English Blue ewe.
Evangeline × Billy/Michaelis, black ram.
▪︎Apostle, 3R & 4E
Articuno × Apostle, black ram.
Fossa × Apostle, spotted ram & black ewe.
Hirola × Apostle, black ewe, black w/tiny white ewe.
Latte × Apostle, black ram w/white tail tip, black ewe.
▪︎Magnemite, 3R & 3E
Icarus × Magnemite, spotted ram & spotted ewe.
Lapras × Magnemite, Spotted ram/shortscrotum.
Patchie × Magnemite, spotted ewe, headwhite ewe, head white ram.
▪︎Oreo, 3R & 2E
Bayley × Oreo, black ram.
Kakuna × Oreo, two black rams.
Lucia × Oreo, black ewe, black head mark ewe.