2023, Waiting on Lambs!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
They crave something in that dirt. I once observed lambs eating fresh dirt from gopher mounds. I offered them Azomite and they licked it up.


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
They crave something in that dirt. I once observed lambs eating fresh dirt from gopher mounds. I offered them Azomite and they licked it up.
I get that, but to be getting stuck in fencing & escaping for it, when it's already under your feet...ugh.
Minerals are out there, I bet they "forgot" where it is again. 😑


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
Bad enough that they beg to go out when in. But once out, they beg to go in! 🙄
They're fully kicked out of the 12 pastures now and big mad about it. Seems they also forgot how to skirt under the hot wire. Boy, are they getting dumber or what? 🤦🏽‍♀️
One lamb got stuck in the fence, so I tossed it into the barn. Not going to keep rescuing it, so it'll stay in the barn until someone donates working brain cells to her. 😅

Look at em. All lined up, right by the gate and the area they always skirt under...but no one has working brain cells this week, so they just sit there. 🙄 Wondering how long it'll take....
Accidentally leave a gate open, they run away. Purposefully leave a gate open and they refuse to leave. Idk how they'll handle it when the humans move into the new house. They'll be having a cow left n right, I bet.


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
Hide in the barn all day, go out when I'm about to lock them up for the night. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Sheep finally sheeping. Not that there's much grass, stupid dry summer!
Hoping construction will finally be done this month. Then I can finalize the house fence. Still need the guy to bushhog though....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Let me get this squared in my "sheep brain" -- you built a new house on your current farm. Right?

But, didn't you have barn, lovely new building, had your rabbit quarters, etc...near the old house?

Moving fences due to all this....am I still thinking ok?

Whew!! That's a lot for animals to re-think -- my own brain cells are wandering about to get situated 🥴🤣. So, what's happening with old house? Will it become a rental? I'm confused. Don't remember reading you planned this just things happening. Not that you had to, of course but, whatta change.

The pictures of new house -- it's really nice & big! 🥰


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
Ditto what @Mini Horses said.
It’ll be soooo great to get in the new house. To me, the last few weeks seemed the longest. Well, that and the time after the studs were up took forever to get to the drywalling, oh and then for the tiling to get done, and then ….. 🤣. And then the occupancy permit 🤣🤣.
Aw heck you’ll be in in time for Thanksgiving!


Herd Master
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Virginia is for Pasture Farmers!
Let me get this squared in my "sheep brain" -- you built a new house on your current farm. Right?

But, didn't you have barn, lovely new building, had your rabbit quarters, etc...near the old house?

Moving fences due to all this....am I still thinking ok?

Whew!! That's a lot for animals to re-think -- my own brain cells are wandering about to get situated 🥴🤣. So, what's happening with old house? Will it become a rental? I'm confused. Don't remember reading you planned this just things happening. Not that you had to, of course but, whatta change.

The pictures of new house -- it's really nice & big! 🥰

Lol, yeah, that's pretty much it.
This might complicate it further.
This place was supposed to be a stepping stone. First just a year n we'll move, that changed to 5yr, then 10yrs. Somewhere in there, hey, neighbor selling the connecting land! DH thought that'd give more time b4 I wanted out again. Not really, it just made me realize that hills are the devil's creation and I miss flatness!
My slow butt didn't realize until about a year ago that DH was attached to this place n didn't want to leave, ever. Ugh.
Idk how it happened, but one day he was like, okay, going to X builders to choose a model! And I was like, wut??
Kinda thought it was a joke. We've always been looking online for what's available. Land was good, house was crud. Or house was good, but land was crud. And by land, I mean away from other people, space, flat enough and enough decent pasture to dump everyone onto and be able to slowly rebuild what I need for them. Houses, most were similar to this one, gut jobs that I now know DH will never get around to fixing. Or way too tiny. I've figured out he hates used things, but then why this old house?? Men, I don't understand them.
Anywho. After finalizing the new house options, I finally figured out that he didn't get a raise, but his mother was paying for it. My mom is living off disability from my, now dead, dad, and she gave us a bit of money long ago. Ever since then, it seems his mom has been trying to one-up her or something. My mom paid for the new hay barn. I should of listened to her and made it larger. Never thought DH mom would top it all off with a freaking house! She married a rich guy, used to be a cattle farmer, owns lots of apartments that he makes bank off of. His brother also got a vehicle and a house of some sort.
It's so far, I wanted a kid's used atv to zoom to and from new house to barn in the winter, but no. Used is bad, small is bad, DH said. So now we have this honking utv that is a pain to get through gates.

It's all stressing me out so freaking much.
I'm just trying to keep my farm functional in the mess until things calm down and then I can start back with my regular plans.
I believe I'll be downsizing the flock to 20 or 25 vs the previously decided on 30. The drought did a serious number on me and I can't have so many critters if it happens again, not worth the stress and mess.

I still need to redo my old barn. I don't like how its half unused, and another part fully unused except for spring lambing. Zim, the bull, is the biggest problem now. I can't just jerry rig stuff together, he'll clobber it to dust in no time. But bull proof stuff is expensive. This year has been an utter failure, from the sheep to the land being practically unusable. Next to nothing out there for them to graze.

DH mentioned moving the rabbits up to the house. I mentioned sleeping at the old house in April while i waited for lambs. I want the old house to be gutted and rebuilt, at some point. But i have no honest idea if it'll happen. DH says we can do that, i give options of how to go about it, in the future, nothing soon, but I have the feelingthatthis place will stay as is for storage untilit simply fails one day. Looking around town, it seems like that's a somewhat popular idea here. :(

Ditto what @Mini Horses said.
It’ll be soooo great to get in the new house. To me, the last few weeks seemed the longest. Well, that and the time after the studs were up took forever to get to the drywalling, oh and then for the tiling to get done, and then ….. 🤣. And then the occupancy permit 🤣🤣.
Aw heck you’ll be in in time for Thanksgiving!

If they knew what they were doing, we'd probably be living up there awhile ago.
We got the occupancy letter yesterday!
Family is going nuts over having tgiving here this year. 🙄
House has lots of small problems to fix. No idea if they'll be done with those this year, everything is so drawn out with these people. And the GM, wow. Blatantly obvious with the talking down any issue and lying through his teeth and clearly not knowing what he's talking about, pulling excuses outta his bum. Ugh. I'm not a builder, but I like learning how things work and fixing what I can. I know when people are feeding lies and bullpoo-pie! Plus just my general human radar flipping up flags. No such thing as an honest worker these days, the number of people I've met over the years to do farm related projects for quotes, wow. Really should have serious consequences for the bullshyttery in the world.

Blaming the door style for his inability to properly install these French doors. Hot mess all around.
Must use deadbolt or door pops open randomly!! The dozens of stinkbugs get through the huge gap. It's been worked on 5-6 times, only creating new problems.

The tons of scratches on the stair landing, oh, that's just bc it needs another coat of stain!
Oh, the scratches here n there in the floors are just dirt! He spit on so many spots in the floor to "wash" the scratches away.
The silicone dropped on the composite deck. Oh, he sent someone to fix it! Lol, guy used a hammer n chisel!! The boards need to be replaced, not made worse.
The nails dumped everywhere. He'll come out and clean it. The beer and glass and trash, yeah, he'll clean it. The other construction trash left, lol, he'll clean it. All untouched. DH's guy who is doing the ground work, he is cleaning things up instead. I've found hundreds of nails. Whole rows of unused nails for guns, a box of freshly open 1pound nails! Exploded silicone just thrown into the grass.
And that's only some of the more obvious problems that I can remember right now, forget the holes in the roof and gaps in the framing and, and, and!
Oh! They ran over several new tposts and ruined them, not even an apology.
Then they rode my horses! No apology! That's when we got new hot wire up. Had fencing around house originally until they ran it over.
Do not use Mitchel Homes unless you don't care about quality and respect.
I have thousands of pictures of everything from start to now. All on my external hard drive, phone broke last week, and on Facebook.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Wow. Just WOW. My late DH was a contractor and we built thousands of apartments. I did a LOT of walks to inspect before $ pd on draws. Never allowed such. Yeah, no pay otherwise. Same here when I built my house.

Sorry for these issues you're having. Your correct, incompetent crews. Unfortunately, your not writing the check each draw. THAT's the control...pay. 😱

So, now you have more land. 🤣🥳👍 or 👎😔😵‍💫🤣


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You will survive this. Maybe you should complain to your MIL on the workmanship or lack thereof and get her to hold the money back until things get done right.
On the doors that don’t fit, call a door company to install new doors-correctly-, let MIL deduct it from GM pay.