He's slightly better, now laying the other direction. But offered him free to anybody who can care for a special needs lamb. Brother is doing great.
Wasn't able to lay this way earlier.
And the continues. The ram died, but so did one of the Evangeline ewe lambs. She seemed a bit off yesterday, should of given her a shot just in case, but failed. Ugh, so annoying that tons of other Babydoll breeders sold out or reduced their numbers this past year, wasn't able to sell off the bred ewes because the market was flooded.
But one adult ewe and Ross got a deposit on them. So, that's good. 19 more ewes gotta go, though.
Hickory × WallaWalla-BingBang had twin white rams around 5pm yesterday.
Another mom and lambs left the jug this morning. Freezing last night and for the next few nights, so, not letting them into the barnyard yet.
Surviving twin-
Went out to Fossa lambing. Elbows locked on the ewe lamb. In barn, coated, has nursed, very vigorous and mom has milk and pays attention to her.
Raichu has a ton of milk!!
Gave a shot to one of the Hickory rams, put him in the house to heat up. Not sure he'll make it. Put a camera on him to monitor. Other is dehydrated, saw him bounce around earlier, but as I watched for 2hrs, he didn't seem to nurse much. Mom doesn't seem to talk to him at all and has very little milk.
Then I decided to put all of the lambs back into coats.
I might just sell off everyone except my favorites, if this he'll continues.
To top it off, did you know sheep can get cast whilst lambing?? Wtf?!? Was filming the birth and suddenly she rolled over and couldn't roll back over. Omg!
Hickory ram didn't make it, other still up n about.
Put the first 3 moms and lambs outside, then let the next 3 moms and lambs into barn. 2 moms n lambs still in jugs.
No longer trying to guess who will lamb, it's been completely random and unpredictable!
Put a cam on the barnyard. Finally remembered what I named the pup, Voda! Duh, water! Because he was obsessed with the pond. Pronounced with a V, so spelled with V instead of W. His second biggest test is dealing with zooming lambs.
Both under the tree.
Minding their own business
Just moms n lambs, no nosy pup
Other than my housecat, that's all of my animals in one shot. Technically, not all visible, but still there.
Why I lock up lambs in the barn for a few days after individual jugs. They're screaming for their moms, who are behind them inside with them, but they think the outside ones are their moms.
Idk what it is about the lambs this year. 3rd one to go into buckets and need to be pulled and dried. One in the jug, one only 5min before this one! I dumped this bin and removed it, since they have 2 others.