I got the neighbour farmer to cut and bale my hay this year. However he baled it the very next day after a heavy rainfall. As a result the bales are thoroughly mouldy and not at all fit to give to my horses. Next question is, does anybody have any idea what one can do with 34 roundbales of mouldy hay? Can one plant crops in it perhaps? Or something else? Or do they all have to be composted? Any suggestions are much appreciated!
I got the neighbour farmer to cut and bale my hay this year. However he baled it the very next day after a heavy rainfall. As a result the bales are thoroughly mouldy and not at all fit to give to my horses. Next question is, does anybody have any idea what one can do with 34 roundbales of mouldy hay? Can one plant crops in it perhaps? Or something else? Or do they all have to be composted? Any suggestions are much appreciated!