Deirdre Barber
Exploring the pasture
I got this girl when she was about 3 weeks old, and bottle-fed her, halter trained her, and take her from pasture to cow shed in the evening, and back out to pasture in the morning. She's in the pasture with 2 goats, and is gaining weight at a good pace. The ultimate goal is to breed her and milk her. My issue now is that ever since her bangs vaccination, she won't come to me when I call. She used to always just walk right up and put her head down so I could put the rope halter on her. I had to leave her in the field one night, even though it was pretty cold (I'm in southern Oregon). I finally got a halter that I leave on her, and have had to leave her lead rope dangling so that I can step on it when I go to bring her in at night. Is she going to be skittish now forever? It's kind of a pain in the butt.