Loving the herd life
The other day we found a nest in the ivy, right by the entrance to the carport. The mother is not happy when anyone goes by! She is seldom on the nest, I don't know if the eggs will hatch with her being gone so much of the time. But, here are some photos.
I have yet to have any babies live to leave the nest. But, a few weeks ago my nextdoor neighbor had two babies leave the nest!! So, I am hopeful these will be able to hatch and go on to live happy lives in the neighborhood.
Today, (6/8/11)I was curious if the hummingbird eggs had hatched or if they were even still in the nest. (Last year some preditor got the new babies)
anyhow, I am too short to see into the nest, so used my camera to help me see. And this is what we have!!
They look like they are even getting feathers, which is farther along than last years chicks.
On Friday (6/10/11) I took this photo of the babies in the nest.
You can see they are a bit bigger.
Then this morning I could see little beaks up over the top of the nest!!
Here they are this morning (6/13/11) How quickly they are growing!
Look how much they grew in a week!! They are starting to out grow the nest!

I have yet to have any babies live to leave the nest. But, a few weeks ago my nextdoor neighbor had two babies leave the nest!! So, I am hopeful these will be able to hatch and go on to live happy lives in the neighborhood.
Today, (6/8/11)I was curious if the hummingbird eggs had hatched or if they were even still in the nest. (Last year some preditor got the new babies)
anyhow, I am too short to see into the nest, so used my camera to help me see. And this is what we have!!

They look like they are even getting feathers, which is farther along than last years chicks.
On Friday (6/10/11) I took this photo of the babies in the nest.

You can see they are a bit bigger.
Then this morning I could see little beaks up over the top of the nest!!
Here they are this morning (6/13/11) How quickly they are growing!

Look how much they grew in a week!! They are starting to out grow the nest!