Congrats, as long as the baby is healthy, then that is the most important thing. At this point your daughter is getting old enough that she probably wouldn't "enjoy" a sister with the age difference. There is nearly 11 years between me and my sister so it was more like a new generation than having a sister that I could grow up with,,,, I got married when she was only 7.... but my 2 brothers were only a couple years behind me.... we joke that she was a "mistake" as parents had wanted to stop at 3... but she was a good baby and except for "invading my room" as a baby, I didn't mind her because she was an easy baby and smart little kid.
FIL's sister was born in 1909, he was born in 1925. She was off at boarding school when he wa born.
You can be he was a surprise. His father was 64 though his mother was in her 40s. His closest sibling is his sister, now 103, was born in 1917. She's now survived through 2 major pandemics. Not many can say that.
lol probaby is but he tends to wiggle non stop lol. Dd1 is 7yrs older then her sister but she actually wants more girls lol. she doesnt seem to mind the age difference and goes out of her way to play with her younger sister. they all excited about it being a boy funny enough they all thought it was a girl lol.
Thank you, so far this week is going decently well. my tomatoe have tomatos the peppers are growing hopefully wont be long before i have peppers. lots of sunflowers are developong blooms only one has flowered but thats okay. got my garden improvements planned. dh isnt all that excited about the extra work lol or money lol but he did say he was okay with me spending as much was need lol bad thing to say to me lol. between seeds jars and ect this could be expensive i behave as much as i can. Looking into buying a smaller piece of land then we want in the end but enough that we can get out of here and still have goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese and some turkeys along with a garden and a small orachard. looking at building a tiny house to began with enough that we can have a decent place to live and call our own.
Darn chickens stole two watermelons... ended up letting them put if the new coop. They had stopped laying as soon as they got out they started right back up.. we lost one goose last month and three ducks and five goslings assuned the goslings and ducks had gotten taken when out in pasture. Then on goose hen went missing from her paddock and the her buddy that was sitting on eggs. Might explain why the chickens refused to lay eggs and the remaining ducks are staying close to the house. Gonna fix that fencing to make sure nothing going through or under and will fix the electric fence if needed before we put the chickens back out there.
Outside a few holes also in one pumpkin they have left everything else alone. Need to plant some more seeds and maybe can some more yellow squash pickles and freeze some more squash for the winter months. Also need to work on some sewing projects and i plan on making a toddle mattress and having dh make the frame. Then start on christmas presents for the kids. Also thinking of making some maternity clothes for myself and a few other things for the kids.
Some pictures from the garden. A hen went broody. Oh and chick count my hens hatch out 8 all still running around i think havent paid to much attention to them.19 meat birds 9 delewares still alive 21 buff orpingtons, newly add (more one dollar chicks) 10 lavender orpingtons, and 10 amberlink chicks. Might have gone chick crazy lol. Also have 25 perkin duckling and 6 cambell and 3 rouen ducklings.