lol okay outside of yall cracking me up still not much going on besides the count down to day time hours i am so excited to have him home in the evenings and gone at normal times i might be able to get more done on a normal schedule and not having to worry about waking him up mid day or making a heavy lunch my dishes will thank me lol. the pigs are growing fast i am estimating by march i should be able to put them in my freezer if they grow out as fast as they currently are which means i save money yay!!! need to get back to killing roosters apparently this batch is very dark meat and i mean like duck dark mmm probably something i should keep in mind next time i grow some out and see if changing the feed makes a difference in that, the roosters were mostly feed corn and grains pretty much no actual chicken feed. They grew well just slow but it gave me time and i also need to remember next time i cook one of this batch to cook them slow they abit to old i forgot that today and bbq one not very tender but not bad kind of the same texture as dove that cooked the same day as shot. The kids have been doing school today we mostly worked on english as my daughter seemed not to be really into doing school thats okay she get some math in abit to do and that she enjoys alittle to much. she wants to be a vet lol she might take to much after me in some areas lol. the geese started laying eggs and those along with duck eggs are going in the incubator once that filled i ll either see if i can sale them or just let them hatch them out as well. after these hatch more chicken eggs will be next and probably more duck the more i can raise/sale the better. we eat quite a few birds in this house.
no idea we havent seen her at all, the before day my husnbad was going to be able to go hunt her down we had a hail storm with sever winds and some damages that had to get fixed coop and some other things he had to do for his grandparents we still havent seen any sign of her but there are lot of wild hogs on the property so i wouldnt be surpised if she were they are in the very back were we hard ever make it to, its his aunts part of the land so we dont make a habit of going out there unless his grandparents have asked us to help with the fence or cows that normally were the cows get out at since she doesnt maintain her fencing but wants the cows out there its a pain.
Having your husband working normal hours is going to be like a new life for you! Both of my sons worked night shift jobs when they still lived at home. It was so hard to be quiet. I had to hustle around and vacuum and do laundry before they went to bed. Then try to keep the dogs quiet, and any visiting neighbor kids from hollering in the yard. Sure don't miss those days.
agreed there thistle i can not wait it will be nice not to have to worry about keeping the kids quite or when to start school because he about to wake up and want to talk and spend time with us before work its going to be interesting.
Okay guys my farm is just about finished lol now i just need sheep and turkeys... well maybe quail and some pheasants ok i can come up with several more things lol. But now we have 50 (estimated) chickens, 10 ducks, 3 geese, three rabbits, three pigs, three goats(gonna be four), one cow(adventually 10 maybe), a dog, two cats, two toads and fish. Lol i am in love with all of them then add my four gorgeous children a well i say it sexy husband i am extremely bless and i am compeltely in love with God and all hid gifts