A new Contest..Next contest is postponed..probably till May

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN

The name on the automobile plate is Rambler, in case it's too hard to see. There is quite a lot of small tools in the big ziploc, but Jill told me NOT to dump it out on the bed!

Thanks again @greybeard,


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas

I couldn't send Dave farm related items because I don't know anything about rabbits, have never had any and didn't have anything related to rabbits but....
I remembered from Daves journal he worked on things, like the ride behind mower/tractor--Gravely I believe, so I sent stuff to work on small stuff. Some of it, I don't remember where I got..some came from my dad's shop, some I used on different jobs.

From memory:
1.--already discussed--reamers.
2. Just an old dried up cow horn off one of my beefmasters.
3. A pretty good quality wheel puller--well used but certainly usable.
3a. A different set of jaws for the puller.
4. (in the ziplock bag) jeweler screwdrivers
several differnt kinds/sizes of tweezers.
a pocket magnet that extends out.
A very small pair of channel lock pliers.
A variety of combination wrenches.
a stainless steel machinists rule.
(I don't remember what else except one item I'll post at the bottom of this text) *
5. A true spanner wrench. (I never really found a use for one but maybe Dave will)
6. A magnetic clamp to hold a cylinder shaped flashlight.
7. This, is an interesting thing. It's a set of stewart warner amp/oil pressure gages, from the late 1940s. Red and chrome. Had it been blue, it came off a 1940 Chris Craft boat. Not sure what a red one came from. SW made gage sets for all the early automobiles, boats, and even airplanes. **
8. Compression tester.
9. Various new syringes and needles from Producers Co-op. I promise..never been used.
10. very large treble hooks I was using to remove alligator from my pond.
11. The razor hone.
12 & 12a. A pair of small hammers. One is brass the other is nylon. I made both when I worked as a machinist in the 90s..actually, I made many hundreds of them. The shop's owner had a market for them and we worker bees made them when we didn't have a contract job to do. .
13. Emblem from the grill of a 1965 Rambler American. Probably the 1st new car my mother ever had. (Dad would buy a new pickup but the cars we all rode in were always "used" and I'm being 'polite' there.)
14. A tool to remove broken pipe fittings.
15. A pair of jumper wires with alligator clips on each end. Good for trouble shooting basic small engine electric systems. Really good for bypassing safety switches if your mower won't start and you don't know which switch is causing it.
16. A clip on spark tester. Don't know if your small engine is getting 'fire'? Now you will. ground the alligator clip to the engine, adjust the barrel to the approximate spark plug gap, connect the plug wire to the other end and rotate the engine. You will be able to see the spark jump and by color, know how hot it is.
17. An oddball electrical gauge. I don't remember now if I sent a volt or amp gage. At one time I had about 100 of each but have slowly gotten rid of most of them.
18. I don't know. It's some kind of clamp. I don't remember where I got it or why. Pretty light tho..won't be able to use it as a pipe wrench for sure. :)

*I got a bunch of these things at a big flea market for $.25 each. Stainless steel. They are great for grabbing little things you drop in an engine or piece of equipment but can't fit your hand down in to get. Probably medical related since there were big boxes of other medical looking tools at the same booth--some of them were pretty scary looking. Strong enough to pick a fish up too if you catch one of those Texas sized bream....


**Almost new ChrisCraft gage of the same era Dave has.

Hope you can use some of it Dave.

Next contest will be posted late tonight or tomorrow.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Those "medical" things are indeed medical - locking forceps. Not only good for reaching down where your fingers don't but also for a "third" hand to hold something small. Like if you need one hand to hold the soldering iron, one to hold the solder wire and another to hold the wire you are soldering in a fixed position. My wife got me one at the store her PO is part of. They have a lot of "regular" stuff and some oddball stuff like this.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Contest for Feb 2018. Again open to all registered members of BYH in the USA.
We will again do the guessing game of how many messages will BYH stats show at a specific time on a specific date.
We will make this one a bit shorter in the waiting and entry period..

On Feb 23 @ 11pm Eastern, how many messages (posts) will BYH stats show? Again--without going over
Cutoff for entry will be Feb 16 at 11pm Eastern time

As of this post, here are the current statistics as shown at the right side of the main index page:


You can begin submitting Feb entries now.

March contest spoiler:
Brush up on your stock knowledge.
Do NOT submit entries until the March contest is open!
That contest will involve predicting what the NASDAQ Index (symbol IXIC) will close at on a specific day ACCORDING to the next morning's stock chart. Here's that chart for today, showing what yesterday's close was:

nasdaq sample.jpg
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