Messed up again - it appears that 3:00 pm April 3 (Monday) is only 8:00 am in Braidwood AU. So I will have to reschedule alarm for 5:00 this evening! Hope I eventually get it right.
G'daythe next three shows will feature local folks, May I have a lass from Ca and another lady from Devon in England. So glad you are enjoyingthe show. I hope to have Ridge in july along with another local lass...T.O.R.
What are Australian Whites? I just heard about a newer American breed designed by Bill Hoag in Texas. They are called Royal Whites (not the British Royal Whites). He started with larger frame St. Croix sheep and interbred with Dorpers/White Dorpers to get a heavy muscled breed like the White Dorper but with the excellent parasite resistance of the St. Croix. The Royal Whites are larger framed and a bit taller than Dorpers. They are a hair breed. He started breeding these sheep in 1994 and at that time called them Dorpacroix. They became popular to use on wooled breeds as terminal sires since they added size, muscle, increased lamb production, hybrid growth and vigor to woolled ewes, while lowering labor costs. Since 1998 Texas Tech has been studying them with regard to feed:gain ration and meat evaluation. Since 2002 Texas A & M has been studying them for scrapie resistance.
I looked up the Australian Whites and they seem similar in type to the Royal White. They have slightly different breeds in their genes but this is probably because the originators used breeds that were available in the part of the world where they were designed. Are they in Australia? Or are they a new breedjust becoming availabe?
Australian Whites are an Australian made breed for meat. If someone is importing white sheep from Australia they could be either White Dorper or Australian Whites. There are probably other white breeds in Australia as well. Usually White Dorper breeders import semen or embryos since it is cheaper to do that to add to the gene pool. If there are no animals of that breed, or very few, in the US then specimens might be imported.
American Royal Whites are an American made breed for meat and with superior parasite resistance. There are quite a few breeders across the country, although it is not a very numerous breed yet. Many Royal White rams are being used as terminal sires on Dorpers to increase parasite resistance.
I would ie tp know more about the Australian White and its use in the meat industry in Australia and NZ.