The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
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G'day folks, it's been a while and as we are in "lockdown" I saw it as an oppertunity to post a note on how the farm and Jenny are going.

Jenny first: Change is occuring at such a rate now that I can hardly keep up with it and every day seems to bring a "new" challange in her care. Due to the increasing incontinance we sort advist from a specialist urology doc.She is schedled for hospitial visit on the 20th Aug so see if their is a phyisal impederment or if it is just the progression of the condition,because of her age and condition he has recommended at the same timeshe undergo a Cystospy Flexible SPC insertion ,which will involve another 3 time daily task,(oh well,it is what it is).She now doesn't understand time or where she is even in our house,I have to constantly watch her now and have her with me whenever I move inside or outside the house.Her appertite has declined to such an extent that I now have to try to get her to drink high protien Sustegan as the amount of food she is insufficient to keep her energy levels up.

Lucklerly I now have two rural support chaps who visit every week on seperate days to keep an eye on my health along with our lady from Dementia Australia and we still have the support lady who comes each week to help with household chores.I must say the NET is really my salvation .

THE FARM: Lambing is progressing apace and the "maidens" are now lambing,(some photos attached).I thank every day we made the change to the new flock as they are so self relyiant when it come to day to day management.Nicole (youngest daughter) comes each week to assist with farm stuff,this coming weekend she will stay and help with some fencing and putting in a new gateway or two as well as help cut a load of wood.As for my mental health I am much better now after a "low patch" a while ago,I can see there will be an oppertunity for some respite as we progress such is the speed now.

The second radio chat was from all reports very well received and some feedback from a local "real farmer" was interesting.Next month will see the start of Spring and the hope is to discuss the state of the Pastures going forward and look at the "open cry" auction system which will start more than one conversation I suspect.

Great Plains Regeneritive have a ZOOM each at Friday miday central time ,it is so interesting to chat with ranchers up there,but ,I have to wake up at 2.30 am to be involved, last week it was -3 when I lit the fire made a coffee an settled down to enjoy the speaker as well as the conversations afterwards.The FB group continues to grow and is a wonderful distraction from the day to day,Facebook Australian Painted Sheep is the group and we have some interesting members from across the USA and across the world.

Going forward ,I am about to head down with Jenny and make a start on a new "underground weir" to replicaite our original work and next week on a suitable day I want to do a few acs of a "cool burn" to prepare some pasture for when the weather starts to warm up.

Well ,thats about it for now,hope you enjoy the photos of the lambs (even thought they are soo small at birth,in fact we have rabbits bigger than some of them but they get away so quick)....Stay safe,T.O.R.


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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
So very sorry for you that Jenny has gotten progressively worse. It sounds like you are doing very well, considering, and thank God for the help and support you have. Maybe they will turn up some of the reason for the incontinence, but I suspect that it is more due to her condition deteriorating.
It is wonderful that your daughter can help you too. Sounds like she is a great person.

So very glad that the radio show is being well received. It also is a great way for you to get some respite from the stress there and be able to impart your years of experiences to others. You do need to have an "outlet" for your mind too.
Pictures are great... they are so colorful. The lambs aren't that small, you are just used to much bigger ones from the other breeds.... they look like they are getting up and going good... and thank goodness that you do not have to baby sit the lambings as much.
Bet you are looking forward to spring weather...
Have you had a dry winter? There is so much drought here... and the fires in the western states have been devastating. And we are not getting the rain here in the mid atlantic part of the east, either. It is very spotty with hit and miss rain and some very hot weather. Yet Florida and parts of Texas have had more rain than ever... very crazy.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m so sorry about Jenny’s condition turning for the worse. God Bless you for being the devoted, loving man that you are. Jenny is Blessed to have you. It puts a lot of stress and strain on you, it’s good that you have the radio show and FB sheep page. It gives you contact with people who benefit greatly from your years of knowledge and gives you great enjoyment.

Your sheep are beautiful as always, I love all the colors and patterns. What a stroke of genius when you changed to hair sheep. No shearing! Less time and trouble to care for them.

I love my hair sheep. I’ve only assisted at one birth, it was a first freshener and she was just tired. I waited for a contraction and gently pulled the front feet. Then she took over. And that’s ALL the birth assistance I’ve ever given. They are so easy to care for.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
G'day anfd "thank you"for your comments and good wishes.I am infact in Jenny's debt as she has "put up" with me for the over 50 years of our married life. Currently we are in"lock down" for the Covid 19 thing,the cases are creeping closer as each day goes by and we are lucky to be quite isolated and have good food stocks so we should be able to wait it out....T.O.R.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
G'day folks,I thought an update on Jenny after her surgery was in order....She came through the initial proceedure really well. but 12 hours later she was screeming in pain,called an ambo and they they "shot" her full of morphine .It seems that this spasm occurance is not un-common when dealing with bladder problems,but "nobody " warned me and so it was quite a shock for me.Tonight (Mondfay 7 pm) she is way better and is eating some food and if I watch her closely takes in some fluids.Community Nurse came today to change her dressing and will return on Thursday to check on how she is.We have now had both our Covid 19 shots but are in lockdown until further notice.

As near as I can tell the sheep are going OK ,we are expecting some pretty bad weather in the next day or so but both groups have access to woodland cover for the worst of it....T.O.R.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thoughts and prayers for her continued recovery and less pain from the surgery. Hope the weather does not hit you too bad. My sister and brother have gotten alot of rain from a storm that hit up in Conn,/RI/Mass over the weekend. Wind and all. None of them have animals to deal with, but hurricane weather is no fun.