The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
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Hi Ridge, maybe have an offline chat with Bay or Jan, It was way too revealing, I may have to phrase it so you read betwen the lines, but you girls are perceptive enough to get what is going on without spelling out every detail (lol).T.O.R.
Hey Ridge,I still want to get both you and Jan onto the radio program seperatly.Can you both send me a PM with contact details so we can have a chat..The radio is great fun,just ask Bay...T.O.R.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Here’s a link to a thread I started about the plants I find here on my farm. Others have posted plants they find on their farms too.



Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Would love to but right now really busy finishing the move to Texas. Once we are in residence, I would love to talk to you about our farming adventures. Early days with our kids were hilarious episodes - we had the best time raising our kids with their livestock!

Good news! We finally got the perimeter fencing installed on 15 of the 44 acres. 6' fencing pulled tight to discourage hogs, deer and coyotes. Although the dogs will also do that from inside the fence. Our coyotes do not usually run in large packs like dingoes. Usually, they are solitary hunters or a mother/pups family group. They are sly and cunning though.

Anyway, we bit the bullet and paid Levi's fence installers to de-brush and de-tree the fence line and install the posts and wire. What a job! 20 huge burn piles! They also welded corner and fence braces at different points and installed welded 6' gates at all entry pits. Because we are on a 70-mph highway, and time is getting short, we went ahead and paid for a second job - the double gated entryway to the sheep area. Not a lot of traffic, but fast on that highway. We can begin the final move in activities now.

We were lucky to meet Levi since he also does other construction stuff and also installs metal buildings. We plan to put in a large hay barn since we can get some sort of FSA low interest financing for farm buildings. Levi ranches hay and cattle and told me about a lot of these programs so he wi be a wonderful resource.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Ridge, So soon as you are settled I can have you on? I was chatting to Bay about it the other night (your time) about some other stuff. At this point it will be late Fall/into Winter and if you are not set we will look to your Spring.

So, what about you Jan? Can I start arranging a slot for a conversation with you. Bay has my contact details down here ,because I like to have one or two conversations with guests before the program so we feel comfotable in each others company. Whenever I seek feedback down here about having you girls on the show, the responce is always so positive.....For others who enjoy my posts and stories I am always on the lookout for new folks who farm small or large areas. you can PM me direct or have a chat to Baymule and she will set you on the path to a spot on the program.

I have been busy arranging a weekly Canasta card game at the club, which if successful may end up with Our Farm becoming a weekly show. I guess there are girls up there (or boys) who enjoy the game, I wonder whether we could play on Zoom between our two countrys? Who knows, but it is something to think about,what fun that would be?

Oh well, enough for now,hope you all get rain soon.T.O.R.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
How about playing bridge?

Would love to be on your show but what would you want me to talk about?

We are in the process of moving and will be for several months. This is a new method of moving for me. I have packed up the house and moved several times, but doing it piece meal is interesting. In some ways easier while in other ways harder. It would be much easier if we lived closer to our new place, but it is a 3-day trip! We take two trucks pulling 2 trailers each time. On the flatbed we carry the tractors, corral panels, and large fencing and ranching equipment. In the stock trailer we put furniture, boxes, and some large stuff that won't ride on the flatbed. In the truck bed go boxes and plastic bins of clothes, kitchenware, etc. When we arrive, everything goes into the house, I start unpacking and putting everything away. DS1 does any repairs, puts up fans, etc. DH brush hogs the goat weed around the barn. Then we go back for another couple loads. I have now packed another 24+ boxes of stuff and am boxing paintings and pix. Next trip will be the baby Kubota, utility trailer, more beams, and troughs/feeders. Hopefully another couple pieces of furniture. I am packing boxes of stuff, and starting on the pix and paintings. House is looking very odd with bank spaces on the walls. We have beds, chairs, TV, and kitchen appliances in the house for while we are there which makes it so much easier to come and go. With the fences finally in we can start putting up some temporary fencing to corral the sheep in the barn this January when we have them trucked back. We'll feed them in the barn for a couple weeks since there will not be much grazing during January anyway. That way they will learn to come into the barn at night for a feed and head count. We will have to walk the perimeter fences during that time with the dogs so they will learn the area. We can't move the sheep until last and then we need to take down the night corral and bring it with us. We may have to leave one person in Tx while the other finishes moving the last few pieces.

I will give Bay a call. Hope it is good news about you. :hugs

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Thank you Ridge, What will we chat about? Imagine we are sitting together in the kitchen having a coffee dicussing life on the farm and how we arrrived at where we are today .....Now you are moving to Texas when I get over there maybe you Bay and I can have lunch together? ......As for me its a "bumpy ride", becase things moved so fast at the start it has been suggested that we begin again and start the process , Hell, its been over 60 years since I courted a girl,all the rules seemed to have changed ,but I will hang in there for the sake of the relationship...T.O.R.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hi again ,I thought this was so funny I had to share it with you all.T.O.R.


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