The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
G'day folks, this morning we are getting some very welcome rain,over the last few dayswe have had "drips and drops" but this morning it does look like we will get a decent drop during the day and with a NE air flow and an East Coast Low we should get some more in the coming days. Their is no surface wind at the moment so with some luck we will get a good drop this morning....Oh my ,you folks are certainly beiing tested up there,what with fires in the West and snow and freezing weathher in the East. I hope all of you are safe in your part of the world.

The new FB group seems to be going OK, with lots of new to farming folks and some old farmers(who in the main just want to complain about my views and what I advocate). My first topic on Fencing seems to be recieved well ,but this subject is very large and complex because the land and its needs differ from landscape to livestock..If any of you would like to read and commment the group is FB Braidwood Grazing and Farming for Small Landowners,

Hope you all had an enjoyable break and like me managed to catch up with family. I have now split off all the young rams from last year ,except for a small group of ewes and lambs led by a "rebel ewe" who is going to ther freezer.I have found this is the most efficient way to handle persistant escapees.

Thats about it for now,T.O.R.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
G'day folks, as I look forward to cooler weather you are all looking towards spring. Late summer was terrific for the farm with over 100 mls falling in the back end. My Native pastures took advantage of this and most of my warm season speciesflowered and are setting seed again.

Up north they are readying for a nasty cyclone ,we will get some of the rain from this and then I expect our first frost and straight into winter. I have been working hard to get in lots of wood for the approaching cold.

https://braidwoodradio.com.au/podcast/our-farm-with-frank/ This link will take you to all of my radio broadcasts if you would like to hear any of them again. I will not be returning to the program and instead I have started a local FB group."Braidwood Farming and Grazing group for Small Landowners".I see Bay has already joined and posted to the group.

One of the local Landcare co-orinaters have turned mu Powerpoint of the Creek restoration into a movie and it can be accesssed https://shlnorgau-my.sharepoint.com...lOFZwN29NWmNzMWYrV1BEN05sWWhPSDhJUHZhK0txbz0= Please let me know if it works ok for you up there.. Next time I am talking to him I will see if I can add audio to it. https://shlnorgau-my.sharepoint.com...lOFZwN29NWmNzMWYrV1BEN05sWWhPSDhJUHZhK0txbz0= The photo is of 2 7/8 month old rams that have just been added to the ewe flock for this years joining.....T.O.R.


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