Herd Master
I suppose we'll be reading next that the second rancher got injured by that bull. If the bull had a medical condition as a calf that prevented him from walking, that the first rescuer had to pay a vet to surgically correct, he wouldn't have been worth anything as a breeder especially without papers and family breeding and production history. SOOO why was that bull not cut, especially on a "rescue petting farm" where they advertise having traumatized children interact with the animals. I think social services should check out the Land O Lakes Rescue Petting Farm in case they have any other dangerous uncut male animals like rams, bucks, boars, etc. that they are encouraging small children to pet and socialize with! I am surprised that the farmer was the one that got hurt, not some child or patron of the petting zoo. (Heaven knows most people who go to petting zoos don't always use caution when letting their children loose with the animals!)