B&B Happy goats
Herd Master
Are you looking for registered ADGA or pet quality goats? You can look online for breeder sites....there are professional breeders, purebreed pet breeders and some decent backyard breeders, ....I personally have two restered buckls, three ADGAregistered does, six purebred does and two ND rescues....While my purebreed does are my favorite ..because "they are not perfectly bred" . I CAN SEE THE health and finer qualities in my registered girls.... so it all depends on what you want...I let my doe's nurse their kids ...and have bottle fed due to the situations of either rescue or purchase at four weeks.....every situation has been diffrent for me....
Edit to add.....I have had good luck on craigslist also....you can also find registered ones there also...
Edit to add.....I have had good luck on craigslist also....you can also find registered ones there also...
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