Herd Master
The pus will probably drain out easily unless it is CL. If it is runny and green you will have to collect it in a paper towel and put the mess in a ziploc bag. If it is thick, whitish and requires more pushing to exude, it may be CL. Same thing - collect as much of a clump as posible and put n ziploc bag. Then immediately take the bag to the vet and request a sample. The vet will send it to the lab and get a report for you.
Be sure to wear gloves when lancing the abscess, collect all the exudate, and any paper towels, etc. you use to drain the abscess and put in trash, including the gloves. Use a syringe without a needle to wash out the hole with iodine or alcohol. Keep the ram isolated until the hole heals. Depending on what the lab finds is the cause, you can make a decision about whether to keep or dispose of the ram.
Be sure to wear gloves when lancing the abscess, collect all the exudate, and any paper towels, etc. you use to drain the abscess and put in trash, including the gloves. Use a syringe without a needle to wash out the hole with iodine or alcohol. Keep the ram isolated until the hole heals. Depending on what the lab finds is the cause, you can make a decision about whether to keep or dispose of the ram.