Day 3: She sits perfectly still for me to pet long as I have food. No food = stay away.
But I think she is extremely lonely, she is trying her very hardest to be with the other goats. They are in pens about four feet away from eachother, but I accidentally left the gate open when I went to feed them, and the feed bucket is on the other side of Addy's pen. The goats crossed right by her and she went crazy, trying to jump through the fence to get with them. Not aggressively, not at all. She was bleating and trying to jump through the fence (it's hog panels, she can only fit her head and neck through, it poses no danger) to get to them as if she was saying "No wait for me let me be with you please!" And I felt bad for her but she is still supposed to be quarantined for a while. The other goats paid absolutely no attention to her. She doesn't pay any mind to the dogs anymore (just backs away when they get too close) and she's never bothered woth the chickens. It's like she just wants the security of a herd. So may I ask, how long is she supposed to be quarantined from them, and will it be "safe" to let her in there with them and leave them be when the time comes? Will they hurt eachother? I have heard plenty of horror stories about goats in new herds and am being sure to be very cautious
It is good her interest is peaked, however if they are in an unfenced area and you still can't approach her and put a lead on her collar, then I would say No. You are way too anxious to satisfy your desires, instead of accepting the facts that have been presented. Unless you can walk up and touch her, then you will only be sorry if you let her out at this stage. It is obvious that you are a sensitive person and desire for all things to be happy and get along. However, that does not translate into reality and in the goat world for sure. The major obsticle you face is not does she get along with the other goats, but you. If she gets out you may never get her back if she runs from you unless you are sitting quietly with a bucket of feed in an enclosed area. Do you think it will be different in an open field? Do you think she will follow the other goats over her fear of you? She still isn't a member of the Herd yet, so what will happen when she is with them will be quite different than what you are expecting and if she gets injured and is still afraid of you, how do you plan on attending to her if you can't catch her? I am not trying to "Rain on your Parade' but you have to think well beyond where you are at right now. This is an Addy and you situation for now, not an Addy and the other goats situation. That is my honest opinion and I strongly urge you to see it in that fashion.
Oh yes! Sorry I forgot about posting. School has started back so I'm not able to spend as much time with her but when I feed her I sit beside her bowl and when she allows me to touch her I pour the food and start petting her, sort of to teach her that I am good and give rewards i guess, to associate what she wants most with me too. Is this a good thing to do? She now is slightly more comfortable with me, only jumping away when I move too fast
It does sound like you are making progress there. Glad she is settling down. Remember the goal tho, to be able to walk in and hook a lead to her collar...without food. She'll be fine just give it a little more time.
I tried to upload a video of her but it said extension not followed or something. Progress is slow, I haven't posted anything because I haven't made any more progress YET. I will try and get a video of her when I'm with her but so far nothing is allowed without food. And thank you farmerjan, school started back yesterday with all new classes for the new semester. I am only with the animals for about 30 minutes a day now though. And if anyone wants to see the goats, chickens, or dogs currently I will be happy to post pictures or videos