Advice needed, Rats in the rabbittry


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
:) They call them Banana Rats and they can get up to 18 pounds.
Only just seen this, but am squirming at the thought.......eugh.
:droolsome where someone would call that dinner :ep
Oh....our minds think alike (except I was thinking of the 18 pounder......) Now coming from the lips of a strict vegetarian, this will sound strange....but I'd be tempted to eat that damned thing out of spite. If it tasted bad it would just convince me that I am right to not eat meat, and that maybe beef, lamb etc tastes the same. I have no idea what they taste like.
Anyway enough of my weird thoughts.....I like the idea of the rolling log. Does it work for those huge black water rats that are good swimmers?
With regard to multi-coloured mice....I guess somebody lost a pet or two. A few white splodges could just mean partial albinism. A local park when I lived in the city had multi-coloured rabbits due to somebody releasing a couple of pets there....interesting, at least.
That stuff which rats eat and which swells up in the guts and basically explodes their bowels sounds horrific, but is said to work well, particularly if a dish of cola is left out which they then drink.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Only just seen this, but am squirming at the thought.......eugh.
Oh....our minds think alike (except I was thinking of the 18 pounder......) Now coming from the lips of a strict vegetarian, this will sound strange....but I'd be tempted to eat that damned thing out of spite. If it tasted bad it would just convince me that I am right to not eat meat, and that maybe beef, lamb etc tastes the same. I have no idea what they taste like.
Anyway enough of my weird thoughts.....I like the idea of the rolling log. Does it work for those huge black water rats that are good swimmers?
With regard to multi-coloured mice....I guess somebody lost a pet or two. A few white splodges could just mean partial albinism. A local park when I lived in the city had multi-coloured rabbits due to somebody releasing a couple of pets there....interesting, at least.
That stuff which rats eat and which swells up in the guts and basically explodes their bowels sounds horrific, but is said to work well, particularly if a dish of cola is left out which they then drink.
I think the rolling log would work for any rodent, regardless if they are normally good swimmers. The premise is that the log is over a bucket or large container (filled with water) with vertical sides. The rodents can't climb out and eventually drown. If you want live rodents you could use sawdust or hay/straw instead of water.

I think I need a bigger bucket/container to get the big rats, so far my rolling log trap has only caught mice sized critters.

I did check the traps after I posted earlier and we are now at 10 snap trap and 3 rolling log. :D


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Having consulted Google, Banana rat seems to refer to one of several species including the Cuban hutia, the Jamaican coney, the Caviomo etc.....and looks like a coypu. Now guinea pigs are edible :)sick), presumably, Banana rats are also. However, having seen that face........I'd keep it as (yet another) pet.

I don't have much of a rodent problem, attributable to a 'hunter' domestic cat. Sleeps 23.5 hours a day, but for the other 30 minutes she is a rodent-killing machine. I don't think that she would fare well with the Banana rat, but she is a great mouse catcher.

It does seem that the snap traps are coming up trumps for being the most effective for larger rodents and the bucket for smaller. Rats are highly may need to change types of trap and resort to some sorts of poison as they may well learn to avoid the traps.

Good luck with your eradication....and keep going with the score.


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
haha, I keep a squirrel stick in the 300 gallon horse tank. They get in to get a drink when it is hot and dry. With the stick that pokes out over the edge, they can get out.
Probably a very dumb question...but is it actually for squirrels?
I have a squirrel in my yard that's either rabid or has that brain parasite that comes from cats...the one that makes rats/mice go toward they become easy meals.
This squirrel lets me get a foot away from it, I can spray it with the hose and it doesn't even looks all scrawny and mangy too :sick