Every goat is different. I have 1 ND wether, that gets out just for fun. He scales the fence, the only thing we have found that stops him is having pallets in the areas he climbs. I don't exactly know how it works, I'm almost thinking it is because he can't see through them? My pygmy wether and my ND does just yell when the ND wether gets out. (tattletales!) Unless he went through the gate, then they will gladly follow the leader. I would have at least 4-5ft high fence though. For shelters we use the igloo dog houses. They fit in them well since they are small goats. And we also have them up against a building for wind protection. Welcome to the addiction. The first step is admitting you are addicted to goats. I'm not sure about recovery from this though, I haven't gotten that far in my journey yet!
(I also started out with just 2, now am up to 5)