The “test bunnies” served a useful purpose and now im adjusting a few things to be ready for the Champagnes, when they arrive.
At the top of the list was one handed doors, and more ridged door frames. Starting with 1x1x1/8th Aluminum angle, i made some nice frames. These will have a 1x1/8th backer plate all around and thru bolted when completed.
then i rounded up some 304 stainless barbecue grills and modified them to fit my frames. Adding stainless hinges and latch’s completed the upgrade. Flag hinges allow me to lift the door off the mating hinge if i want to. With a 18 inch by 16inch opening, i can get most of my upper torso thru the door and easily reach to the back of a 36 by 36 pen!
once they’re all mounted in the cages, i’ll post more pictures but this one gives you the idea of where this is going.
With the door frame upgrade complete, the pen dividers in place and the floor supports installed, i drained the water system and shut off the heat!
hay and pellet feeders will go in when i pick up on this around the end of next month.
Now im focused on finishing the outside cage which is shop work.
With new snow on the ground and more coming, i drug the last cage out of it and into the shop. Then installed the remaining 4 door frame upgrades and loaded it on a sled to drag it down to the rabbit barn. This is it’s final resting place however not in this orientation! That will get rectified once things warm up a bit. It will be fine under this eve unless some young bull moose decides to do battle with it. Not very likely but very possible.
once complete there will be wall penetrations connecting the inside and outside, giving each bunny a total of 16 sq ft per “hole”.
p.s, i ate one of the test bunnies the other day, pressure cooked with olive oil, butter, rosemary and some salt. I’m looking forward to repeating that little party!
Moving on, let me introduce you to “The Double Lucky”. This is my version of a humane rabbit dispatch tool that i put together, working on the cervical dislocation principle, i see no reason to doubt it’s effectiveness!
Double lucky is just a play on words, a thought that come to me when i realized i had wishbones And horseshoes In one nifty tool!
it’ll be a bit before a trial run but it was just one more thing to cross off the list before “the season gets here”.