Herd Master
and the north side (the parking lot) is a solid sheet of ice.

Ice! NO NO NO!!!!!!
and the north side (the parking lot) is a solid sheet of ice.
Yep... evil aliens!
Ice! NO NO NO!!!!!!
YES, I am thinking I need to get more rims for more of the vehicles.Yep, I usually wait until mid November. Our summer tires are good enough for light snow but the real snow tires better be on when real snow hits. You never know when it will and you have no choice but to go out in it when the plows haven't been through. DW, for example. Can't do the USPS clerk job from home and can't sit around having another cup of tea (or 2 or 3 or 4) waiting for the plows to come down your road.
I keep the snows on their own rims so I can decide when they go on, not at the mercy of the suddenly VERY busy tire people.