Herd Master
Nope, she's a Blue Ameraucana .... The 25% that come out black. But since there are only 5 breeds that have 5 toes, Meyer clearly has some really bad genes in their Blue Ameraucana breeding pool. I don't know if there is any connection between egg color and number of toes but I'll be surprised if she doesn't (eventually) lay green. If Celene ever gets her act together she SHOULD lay blue .... which is why I got these 2 girls.So @Bruce ... is your NOT Ameraucana with the 5 toes a Salmon Faverolle?
I had two Salmon (rather smutty I'd say) Faverolles in my original flock of 12 from Ideal. Talk about broody!
While I would highly recommend Meyer's Austra Whites (their own hybrid Black Australorp/White Leghorn cross) I sure wouldn't recommend their Ameraucanas. Nor would I recommend their Black Australorps. I now have 4 from them. They should have slate legs and pink foot bottoms but have black legs and yellow foot bottoms. My guess is someone stuck some Black Jersey Giants in the mix in the past to get size. They do lay well enough but even a Hatchery Quality bird should meet the SOP for features, I don't expect perfection or show quality.