Alaskan's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
This popped up in my "memories" - 15 yrs ago out your way...

Between Anchorage and Seward


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Ok... ONE window replaced (the broken one)..... they measured the second window WONG.

So... uh... yeah....

They get to reorder that.. and I get to wait a bit longer.

And then I talked to one of the guys for quite some time! We were both bemoaning the influx of rich "own multiple houses, huge income" Californians moving to town and destroying everything for the people on a "normal person" income.

He said "they" clearly think that the window guys should drop everything and take care of them, the rich people, first. These new rich people are snotty and rude. Nice for us, the window guys do first come first served.

The young man I was talking to is trying to buy his first house... he is having to look at fixer upper houses with about 700 square feet, on tiny parcels... in BFE, and they still cost a fortune!! (As in 300k and up)

Just 20 years back stuff was reasonable!

It makes me wonder .... how much this house would sell for.... do NOT tell the tax office! No way can I afford higher property tax!!!


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Also... yep... still lots of rain.

Oh! On the livestock front....

The "infant" ducks are now.... packed like sardines in that white tractor.... something about them continuing to grow.....

Anyway... with the weather being nasty daily .... letting them out daily was no longer happening... and they were way too cramped.

So this afternoon I had the boys help me finish up enough of the chicken coop complex to put the ducklings in there, in the shed part.

The shed connects to the coop part, but the coop floor is too high for the muscovy to hop up into from the shed. I have a ramp to put there for the ducks, but the shed is 16x8 so big enough for now, and the infants do not yet know how to use a ramp.

Tonight ducklings are in the shed only area..... chickens are in the greenhouse area only.... they can see each other through a wire door. Ducklings now have lots of space, but zero outside time... chickens are WAY too packed in the greenhouse (they keep growing too... yeah...)

I am thinking.... keep ducklings only in shed until .... maybe Saturday I will open the pop door into the little and/or big run. We shall see how they do with the area.

On Tuesday.... I am thinking about putting old ducks in the shed as well, and all chickens, the young ones from the greenhouse and the 5 old girls that are now in the pond coop. Or... maybe that is too much chaos. Usually chaos means picking/bullying isn't too bad.

I have time on Tuesday to sit on a chair and watch them....

The thought is... youngest ducklings are the ones most likely to get picked on.... so I want them to get the lay of the land first....

Then on Tuesday when I put in older ducks AND 5 old hens from the pond coop, AND take down the wire door to the green house.... it will be enough confusion that there will be minimal fighting....

But.... I might just put the 5 old hens and older ducks in on Tuesday.... and keep pop doors closed..... for 1 or 2 more days...

Then open pop doors..... wait 2 more days... make sure everyone has figured out leaving and returning at night....

And then very last take down the wire door to the greenhouse, and let the hoard of young chickens in.


With the rain and temps in the 40s... if and poultry get confused and stay in the runs... I worry that they will get chilled.

Whatever.... too many thoughts... I will figure out out later...

Tuesday is the next day I have free to sit all day in the coop.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Same here with housing. Yep. County has increased values all along, still showing below the actual sale values. Either way, looking at sales just on my road over past 2 yrs, I couldn't buy my current property today!! 😳 Heck, for rental I could get, I'd almost be $ ahead to subdivide, add a house and rent one -- yep, that much value. Might do that in a few yrs and retire "smaller". 😁


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Texas land and homes have taken a huge increase. It really jumped up in Covid when people had to work from home and could live anywhere. I sold our farm in Lindale for stupid money, came to Trinity county and bought a bigger land parcel and 22 year old doublewide (in excellent condition) and had some money left over. Progress is slow, prices on everything I need have doubled or even tripled. Bidenomics is working! (Sarcasm)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I'm going to Just agree with the stupidity of prices, and affordability of things... If I get on a rant I will get barred for sure. I literally cannot wrap my head around the costs of things and the wages people make, yet they cannot save any money by being frugal at all... a young guy that has worked for us off and on, has a job and is making over 60,000 a year, yet he cannot save any money he says... he has a mtg, and a girlfriend that just moved out but they are working on some things and he is okay with trying to get their relationship on a better level... she went from parents to living with him and has never had a chance to be on her own was part of it, so this is not all bad in his opinion although it is hard... I mean a single guy even eating out some of his meals.... cannot afford a 1,000 a month mtg payment, ins on one personal vehicle, and still not save money?????
I told him to have $50 automatically transferred from his checking account when his paycheck is automatically deposited, into his savings account.... That would give him over $1200 a year that he will never miss because it is not there to spend from the start... Then when he gets used to it, up it to $75 a paycheck... It won't earn any worthwhile interest in the bank, but it will not be there for him to just randomly always blow it... And there are online banks that pay more interest... He//, my American Express card is offering a savings account... NO minimum, no restrictions, nothing... and I have read the fine print to see.... for 4.5% interest... I am going to set it up, and then I can pay my AmEx cc directly from it while the money is earning me interest and I don't have to worry about it ever being late again. I use it because it is allowing 3% discount on gas, so I use it nearly exclusively for my gas in my vehicles... and they show you every month on the statement exactly what the discount is... very plain and simple for someone like me to really see it. I will have xx amount automatically deposited in their savings account, so there will be more than enough there for the average monthly payment I usually have to make, and the rest will keep earning a little better interest. Finding anything, except my credit union debit card deal, to pay anything worthwhile in interest is hard, even to tie money up in a CD is not paying more than 4-5% interest... I think it is better to spread it around a little bit than to keep it all in one place too...

My house would sell right now for twice what I paid for it, with me having done "nothing" so to speak... the upstairs has not been renovated, nothing... that's in 3 years I have been here. As a country, we are pricing out the "working people" that do all the daily stuff... from their "native homeland" so to speak... with the ones coming in with stupid money... paying huge prices, then the average person cannot get a their own backyard..... Like @Alaskan was saying...

Keep building and people just do not realize that they aren't going to have places to get their food from, and their money is going to be so inflated it won't matter what they earn... it will just keep taking more and more to buy things... and the land is being destroyed for the food production... and with the "climate warming" as they keep saying, less rainfall, more violent unpredictable weather, farmers that do still exist will not be able to increase production like they keep managing to do now... and there will be starvation and total devastation. There is no common sense anymore with the way people have disassociated from practicality and common sense.

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