All of your pig talk got me in TROUBLE!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Well at least you are in the younger half of that geezer list, Mike wins by several years. :D But he and Teresa also show you can do stuff when you are "old". He was older than I am now when he started this sheep farm business. @misfitmorgan is about half his age, plenty of years to get a really solid farm going! And step one? Buying the property ... though I think the process aged her a couple of extra years.

You may be definitely felt like i lost years.

Sorry, I seldom watch the videos or I watch a little of it, then click it off. We live in the land of no internet service, so get internet from a satellite. Service is metered and costly for what I get. If I use up all my service, then it goes to dial up which is like waiting for Christmas on December 26.

Same here bay i just watch on my cell phone and us it's data, straighttalk now has 15gb of data for $48/month or unlimited data for $58/month so we use our phone data a lot. DH hotspots his unlimited data to the tv and we watch shows, really helps cut down on the satellite data we need to pay for. Unlimited satellite data is $150/month and i am so not paying that.

Don't feel bad, I am in the "lady Geezer" status I guess.o_Oo_O At least, that is how my ankle and knee joints feel. And yes, working a 40 hour week, or a full time job of varying hours like mine, is pretty much a necessity these days unless you inherit. I have been growing a garden forever, and my mom did it before me to help feed our family, so I came by it naturally.

But, being as self-sufficient as possible is always a good thing. And even if you only grow enough to eat during the season, that is still better than buying everything.

Don't despair the lack of "making money" at it. Just strive to do more with less and be appreciative of what you have.

Anyone remember Saturday mornings with Fury of Broken Wheel Ranch or Sky King? Now I am really dating myself. Well, I am not ashamed to admit I am 64...just wish my joints were 34 !!!!!!:lol::lol:

Even with my old timey show watching i can't say i recall ever seeing either. We dont really despair the lack of money making we just dream of it someday at least not being a money drain.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Anyone remember Saturday mornings with Fury of Broken Wheel Ranch or Sky King? Now I am really dating myself. Well, I am not ashamed to admit I am 64...just wish my joints were 34 !!!!!!:lol::lol:
Just started watching Fury ... After Maverick, Annie Oakley and The Adventures of Champion ;) Interesting difference between Champion and Fury, Champion was based in the late 1800's, Fury was "real time" in the mid-late 1950's. BTW, I am 3 years younger than you. Any of these I might have seen must have been rebroadcasts. I remember I watched Maverick and Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. Other than the later Maverick shows I wasn't old enough (or in most cases even born) to see them live. I don't even know if we had a TV by the time Maverick finished in 1962.

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
Just started watching Fury ... After Maverick, Annie Oakley and The Adventures of Champion ;) Interesting difference between Champion and Fury, Champion was based in the late 1800's, Fury was "real time" in the mid-late 1950's. BTW, I am 3 years younger than you. Any of these I might have seen must have been rebroadcasts. I remember I watched Maverick and Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. Other than the later Maverick shows I wasn't old enough (or in most cases even born) to see them live. I don't even know if we had a TV by the time Maverick finished in 1962.

Maverick, as in James Garner? o_O

My Dad used to talk abt turning 10 in 1950 and getting indoor plumbing and their first tv the same year. Talk abt milestones.

By the time I came along 25 years after that, we had a colored tv in the family room, and a black and white in the living room. Bathrooms had been installed in new builds for at least 15 years or more, and men had walked on the moon. (If you buy into that propaganda) :gig

We've "advanced" a long way!