Loving the herd life
I think it depends on the goat not the breed, the temperament it's parents had and how it's raised. I have alpines and alpine Xs they were bottle babies and as adults are very sweet. My pushiest goat is a Nigerian Dwarf, honestly she's terrible (bold, pushy,hard to handle, mean(at times) to other goats) but she's older and my daughter's! I am truly not attached to her. I "inherited" a few weeks ago an alpine/nubian wether tho bottlefed , is a holy terror and jumps over fences, gates, pushes me, bunts my goats hard etc. totally out of control and HUGE. He is a spoiled baby (2 yrs old) raised only by a young child (now 12)and allowed to run wild. He showed 4H and novelty of feeding goats in winter faded away quickly and they got no attention. I am not sure tho if this is the total reason for how "wild" he is because on doing some research he was born at a cheese making dairy which on purpose chose the most outgoing bold goats to venture further from the barn to browse naturally. This guy browsed down his maple syrup tubing. I'm sure boldness can be a "family trait". He is here to be put into the freezer (after tomorrow it will again be calm in the barn) with full disclosure to his past owner who begged me to take 2 goats off his hands. I also adopted the 2 yr old doe they had, his companion who I am hoping will be ok once he is gone as she is much milder in temperament(sweet but a bit timid) and seems a bit afraid of him too. She is nice and we'll see if she will fit in and become one of our milking does. As for noise our loudest goat right now is Edy a Nigerian/alpine/toggX doeling VERY LOUD(bold like her mother too) but very cute! My friend's loudest by far is a lamancha and they are supposed to be quiet. My nubians when content are quiet, when aggitated they might get a bit noisy. My Alpines and AlpineXs are pretty quiet except Edy.