Herd Master
More than likely it tastes good to those of us who are accustomed to low fat cow milk mozzarella. I suspect River Buffaloes would taste it and have a different opinion. Kind of like I grew up on Log Cabin "maple syrup", then I moved to Vermont after college. If one has never had real maple syrup made from nothing but the sap of maple trees they have NO idea what maple syrup tastes like.There are actually people that buy pasturized, homoginized, 2% milk (cow) in the store and make "mozzarella" at home with it and I am nearly certain that that is not "real mozzarella" even though it may still taste good.
Nope. DW's mother is 100% Swiss (her parents individually immigrated from Switzerland) her father is English (and environs I suspect) though generations in the USA. DW is lactose intolerant.I thought only East Asians were lactose intolerant.
And smallpox and a lot of other things (like dare I say Europeans).Europeans did them no favors by showing up and introducing them to alcohol.
I suppose it depends in the "product" one wants. Alpacas are raised for their fiber. llamas for fiber, meat and pack animals. I don't guess one could make a very nice pair of socks from a river buffaloI would argue that Buffaloes can contribute more to a homestead than a Llama or an Alpaca, because those distant relatives of camels are kept extensively in the Andes. Ever tried herding Llamas in the mountains of Peru? Nothing but dramas these Llamas.
And their boat may be larger than the average home in the USA.several cars, a boat...