I haven’t noticed a change in tails to one side or the other. More just hanging then going up during a contraction. The whole tail area will feel loose or “broken” when the Ligs are gone.
If you scroll down on the link I attached, you will see a photo where I drew the location you'll find the ligaments. Normally, they will be hard like a pencil and it will feel like a pencil is on either side. When a doe is close to labor, they will soften and when in labor, they usually completely disappear. The area will look dimpled in. Other signs of labor might be your doe talking more, pawing, getting up and down, and her udder filling up. Every goat is different! I hope this helps!
Also, it may help to observe your doe for at least a half hour and see what her behavior is like. If I suspect my does are in labor, I will sit and watch them for a while. Many times, I have caught them arching their back when in labor; it might like hardly noticeable at first but once you see it, you'll know. Once I see that (and my does usually show other signs as well but those are my girls!), I know it's the real deal. Please keep us posted! We love baby photos!
Hi. No change apart from fighting with other doe. Tried feeling ligaments again but i must be stupid as just cant feel anything. Thought i felt left side slightly but nothing on right atall. Driving me mad! Lol x
Haha.... how true! It really does drive you mad. She probably isnt even pregnant and my life is on hold lol. I get so excited to see her hoping something has changed or new signs.. .then nothing!