Anyone Work at Processors?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Thanks folks. Our bow season will most likely open in October so I will touch base with them closer to the time. I am waiting for the state to release our game seasons and bag limit details. Generally mid October to mid February I think is our range - from what I remember, when Alabama had to restock their deer years ago, the seasons are later that most of the country and have a wide range due to the way the deer settled here and the ranges they came from.

I'm hoping to actually video some of this process (not the processors, but explain in the videos how it goes) along with showing bits of the setup in hopes to encourage others to get involved and help reduce waste like this. What started as my husband's hobby turned into something really enjoyable for me!

We plan to have two fleshing stations with duel equipment so either my husband and I - or - my mother-in-law and I can work on it (if I can convince her to join, she says it wouldn't bother her!) I have one setup but I will try and work with my husband so he can build another Poplar fleshing beam for us. I saw the layout for a log one at the Fort Toulouse (if I spelled that right) Frontier Days in Wetumpka, AL years ago and took a photo of it and we used that as a plan ever since. I'll be getting three or four big sturdy plastic trash cans for the hides to process, tan, dehair, etc. - I am stocked on Aluminum Sulfate and Salt via the local feed store from last year. I have lye for dehairing still. My husband is going to build me a smoker to hang the hides in to preserve them with the "true tan"

I'll make a list of some of the things we get and use later on for anyone interested.

This will be the first year I've actually offered to compensate for good skinning, I usually just take what I can get but to help reduce waste I hope they'll consider using careful cuts.
I'm very interested in how you do this!


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
@Alaskan - near extirpation of,during the 1950s and 60s.

From Outdoor Alabama Website, bolded text for emphasis-

"Deer were rare in most of Alabama until recent years. In the early 1900s, it was estimated only about 2,000 deer existed in the entire state. After decades of restocking and management efforts, Alabama’s deer population was estimated at 1.75 million animals in 2000. In fact, many areas in Alabama are overpopulated with deer and have been for many years. As a result, crop damage, deer/vehicle collisions, and other negative deer/human interactions have become more common. Historically in Alabama, the predominant subspecies of whitetail was the Virginia subspecies (O. v. virginianus), with the subspecies O. v. osceola inhabiting the extreme southern edge of the state. Following the near extirpation of whitetails from the state in the early 1900s, the Alabama Department of Conservation, along with some private individuals and groups, began restocking deer throughout the state in the 1930s. Most restocking occurred during the 1950s and 60s.

The majority of deer restocked in Alabama were from sources within the state and assumed to have been O. v. virginianus. Deer from several other states, including Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin, were used to a much lesser degree in restocking several areas around Alabama. Those restockings included deer from as many as six different subspecies of whitetails, including O. v. borealis, O. v. macrourus, O. v. osceola, O. v. seminolus, O. v. texanus, and O. v. virginianus. Due to the variety of stocking sources, many locations in Alabama may contain deer with a combination of ancestries that cannot be placed in a single subspecies. As a whole, it is assumed the majority of deer in Alabama are of the Virginia subspecies since 56 of the state’s 67 counties were stocked using this subspecies."


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
@Baymule - I think I have another thread here already about tanning, so if so I will add to that but otherwise if not I'll make a new one! I will gladly share, and I am currently making a shopping list for supplies


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I currently live on a golf course. We have several dozen females and many of them are just now showing off their twins. UGGGG....they decimate everything 'round here. I've been using homemade deer spray to try to keep them off my foundation plants.

Where I'm moving to in WA, there are RABBITS!! Lots of rabbits. and Raptors which one would think would help keep down the rabbit population.

""""wonders if wild rabbit, cooked thoroughly, would be a nice addition to my dog's diet?"""""