Our breeding plans are UP! SSSSSSOOOOO excited about the planned pairings this year
Meridian Layla x Starthist BoSheepus -- a repeat breeding that produced a phenomenal ewe lamb! Hoping to repeat our success...
Meridian Fuchsia x Bid-e-wee Jerome -- very excited about this pairing also! Should definitely have some nice ewe or even ramb lambs out of this couple!
Meridian Josephine x Starthist Pop'nRocks-- fingers crossed for ewes!
I've joked about having a ram for each of my ewes but you've actually done it I saw your pics on the jacob sheep fb page and I think you're going to have a real lovely batch of lambs. I just bred 10 jacob ewes this past week so we'll be flooding the forums with our spotty sheep in March!
All the ewes look bred so far.... now for the not very exciting "Waiting Game"......... On the plus side--my truck was off-line this week when the ewes all went into estrus, sooo breeding plans have changed a bit. Meridian Layla has been bred to Starthist Pop'nRocks instead of Bo. Should be VERY interesting!
And her unexpected 'partner in crime': Starthist Pop'nRocks: