We breed between 75 and 80 pounds. We don't go by age per say, most of our doelings get there by seven or eight months and freshen on or shortly after their first birthday.Roll farms said:The general rule is 8 mos. / 80# but I also take the doe's mental / emotional maturity into account. If I don't feel they're 'ready', I won't breed them until their second season.
This is common practice for standard dairy breeds (we raise Nubians now, but had La Manchas in the past).
Doelings that are fed to acheive this rate of gain (as ours are) are fine to breed. Some people like to feed less and have slower growing animals-that's fine for them, but not how we do it.
As long as you keep up high quality nutrition during gestation and lactation, a bred doeling will grow just as well (and in some cases, better) than a non-bred doeling.