Exploring the pasture
We went and bought a female at one of the local auctions in VA. We bought a beautiful girl that will hopefully breed to our buck.
My biggest concern is they put ALL the goats together, and if it breathed it was mated. So I'm more then positive someone or something tried to mate with her several times today. Is it possible she could have been bred at the auction house? When we got home our buck went crazy over her, unlike our other goat annebelle who he pestered but eventually left alone. So I definitely think she was in heat while our other Annebelle is up in the air.
Should I write down todays date and a possible birthing time, or are does selective enough to only breed when she wants to be. (I've heard hens can eject sperm if they don't like a rooster) I'm mostly concerned about not knowing what the father is. Most of the bucks where three times her size, and people online suggest she might be an ND. I'd hate to lose her to big buck mating a small doeling.
Thank you so much for you time!
My biggest concern is they put ALL the goats together, and if it breathed it was mated. So I'm more then positive someone or something tried to mate with her several times today. Is it possible she could have been bred at the auction house? When we got home our buck went crazy over her, unlike our other goat annebelle who he pestered but eventually left alone. So I definitely think she was in heat while our other Annebelle is up in the air.
Should I write down todays date and a possible birthing time, or are does selective enough to only breed when she wants to be. (I've heard hens can eject sperm if they don't like a rooster) I'm mostly concerned about not knowing what the father is. Most of the bucks where three times her size, and people online suggest she might be an ND. I'd hate to lose her to big buck mating a small doeling.
Thank you so much for you time!