B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Lol, you are funny:lol::lol::lol: or i could call it " a couple of bucks"....not sure who i could market it to, i don't think it would attract to many ladies.... maby use it as a attack repellent..spray on someone ...easy to ID by nose....:lol::lol::lol::eek: P u yuck
Don't be so sure. The gullibility of certain demographics never ceases to amaze me. Bottle it, dilute it greatly with an inert ingredient of your choosing, add a little food coloring, put a nice label and name on it, they'll buy it.
It doesn't have to actually do anything physical or medicinally ...the buyers just have to 'believe' it does.
Therapeutic (mental & emotional) value from a 100% placebo is now well documented and many people are now making good $$ doing it. Watch some of the late night infomercials..the late 19th and early 20th century snake oil salesmen can't hold a candle to what is being foisted upon and accepted by the public today.




(It's 100% organic and Gluten Free!!! Probably free range water too...[the best kind] and, no artificial colors or preservatives......(did I leave out any of the new age buzz words)
/\ /\
These are gag items (for the most part) but there are plenty of scams being pulled everyday, most on the www, but others via any venue they can find. Fortunately, aside from separating the fool from their $$, most are 'mostly' harmless.
Something called Miracle Mineral Supplement "cures HIV, malaria, hepatitis viruses (all versions) , the H1N1 flu, common cold, autism,acne, cancer (all) and much much more."
(their words, not mine) (Yes, there are consumer morons that will actually fall for these kinds of claims---LOTS of them.)
It's bleach btw.

snake oil, by any other bottle is still snake oil.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
You can harvest the scent..And have the privilege of having your name on it....."greybeads health tonic"
Not a chance. I'd crawl into an open grave and pull the dirt in over me before I would engage in such a seedy enterprise or lend my name to it. I believe in science, not voodoo and shamanism. Most of the people marketing that kind of stuff can't take care of their own health and well being, much less the general public's.

Besides, the real money is in chinchillas and emus.............and rat/snake ranches.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I'll counter your business offer with this prospectus.....

I would like to bring to your attention, a fabulous business opportunity.
If you act fast, you can get in on the ground floor and stand to reap
considerable financial rewards.
A group of us are considering establishing a large cat ranch near
Hermosillo, Mexico. It is our purpose to start rather small, with about one
million cats. Each cat averages about twelve kittens a year. Cat skins can
be sold for about 20 cents for the white ones and up to 40 cents for the
black. This will give us 12 million cat skins per year to sell at an average
price of around 32 cents, making our revenues about $3.8 million a year.

This really averages out to $15,000 a day--excluding Sundays and holidays.
A good Mexican cat skinner can skin about 50 cats per day at a wage of
$3.15 a day. It will only take 960 men to operate the ranch so the net
profit would be over $11,900 per day.

Now, the cats would be fed on rats exclusively. Rats multiply four times
as fast as cats. We would start a rat ranch adjacent to our cat ranch. If we
start with a million rats, we will have four rats per cat each day. The rats
will be fed on the carcasses of the cats we skin. This will give each rat a
quarter of a cat. You can see by this that the business is fully self
supporting and is really automatic throughout. The cats will eat the rats
and the rats will eat the cats and we will get the skins.

We plan to organize a Mexican corporation (Tanstaafl Ltd.) with uno
centavo par value stock. This is equal to .0005 per share, American money. ..today's exchange rate is 1 Mexican Peso=.050 USD..1 cenatvo=1 share. A bargain!
We plan to sell 99,000,000 shares at par. This comes to $49,500 American
dollars to use as venture startup capital.
Eventually it is our hope to use a new cloning process and DNA manipulation to cross the cats with snakes, for they will
skin themselves twice a year. This would save the labor costs for skinning
as well as give us two skins for each one cat.

I regard this as the opportunity of a lifetime, and have been trying to
get as much cash together as possible. So far I have got a mortgage
on my house, cashed in my life insurance, sold my U.S. Savings Bond, closed
out my checking and savings accounts and auctioned off my collection of
unusual beer cans from around the world. Unfortunately, I didn't get quite
as much capital together as I had hoped and only came up with $47,392, So I
am writing to solicit your participation in this sure-fire venture.

Let me know how many shares you wish to purchase. As you can imagine, we
are rather particular who we want to let into this, and want the fewest
investors possible.
I think we should get started right away.

My tablets never seem to clean up very good after I spill something on them, so I have to go to the 5 & 10¢ store and get a new one, but they all look the same anyway.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
This is GREAT @greybeard, you'll be able to buy that big property in west Texas with @B&B Happy goats investment money. Buy in is $1M, right?
Probably won't be no shortage of rattlesnakes there anyway...I'd be halfway stocked already.
(I did talk to a guy on another board that said property out there used to be advertised on big interstate 20 bilboards all the time for $20-$30-$40/acre...as recently as the 1970s.
I sure did miss out on that bonanza..:(

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