Herd Master
Well..... i smell like buck again
Miss @B&B Happy goats,
Do you think you could bottle and sell the scent? Maybe call it "Eau de goat"?
Well..... i smell like buck again
Don't be so sure. The gullibility of certain demographics never ceases to amaze me. Bottle it, dilute it greatly with an inert ingredient of your choosing, add a little food coloring, put a nice label and name on it, they'll buy it.Lol, you are funnyor i could call it " a couple of bucks"....not sure who i could market it to, i don't think it would attract to many ladies.... maby use it as a attack repellent..spray on someone ...easy to ID by nose....
P u yuck
Not a chance. I'd crawl into an open grave and pull the dirt in over me before I would engage in such a seedy enterprise or lend my name to it. I believe in science, not voodoo and shamanism. Most of the people marketing that kind of stuff can't take care of their own health and well being, much less the general public's.You can harvest the scent..And have the privilege of having your name on it....."greybeads health tonic"
Probably won't be no shortage of rattlesnakes there anyway...I'd be halfway stocked already.This is GREAT @greybeard, you'll be able to buy that big property in west Texas with @B&B Happy goats investment money. Buy in is $1M, right?