B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Morning all, got busy last night at my sisters 60 th b day, and today iis my 67th , so as a big surprise ....Mr and Mrs Wilson shocked me with our first batch of Flemisg Giant kits ! :clapthere are at least 7 of them and from what I have peeked at their skin is a dark charcoal /blue, this is going to be fun....:)
It is going to be another hot day, we had showers ALL around us last night, but they broke up before they could reach us ....bummer, a night of rain would of been wonderful.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day :frow :bunny:bunny:bunny:bunny:bunny:bunny:bunny
Happy Birthday!!! Sorry it's late but I hope you had an amazing day :hugs


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sad to hear about the doe. Never easy to make that decision. And not practical to take them to the vet all the time and then have to put them down.
Adding in my HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes a little late.....I haven't been on here alot due to one thing after another... I did finish raking the hay that was ready just ahead of the baler as my son had to actually wait for me to get some of the rows done. Had all raked but about 4 acres, and it was calling for rain... he came home from work and got right on the tractor... It was looking like dark dark..and he texted me and said start raking the last field... and we got about 20 drops. 20 miles south they got 50 mph winds and pouring rain.
Had 1/2 inch last saturday at the "nurse cow pasture" and not enough to get the ground wet at my place 5 miles away. Son got called into work 3 times between sat night and sunday for down trees blocking roads.
We've been cutting hay nearly every day for a week... and haven't had but one field get bleached out that got wet just before it was dry enough to bale. Had about 10 acres get wet right after he cut it but it won't hurt it. It does hurt if it is about ready to rake and it will lose some nutrients. Most all of it we have been lucky to get up dry except that it is a little over mature. Went from short to tall and heading out in less than 2 weeks it seems. Yields are good so far also. Don't have any actual figures, but off hand he said we got over 4 5x6 rolls to the acre of the one orchard grass field; 40 rolls there. So that's over 4,000 lbs/ 2 tons, to the acre of hay.... The "grass fields" naturally don't do that good, but it'll sure beat snowballs this winter. Lot of clover in the "grass" fields. I would guess that we have already made something like 125-150 rolls and then today maybe another 30-40? Maybe more... I have to go count. I do know that I have been spending 3-6 hours a day on the tractors, tedding it out to dry because it was thick, or raking it into windrows for baling.
There's another 30 acres on the ground that will maybe make 75-90 bales, maybe more. Just grass stuff.
The corn really liked that 1/2 inch rain saturday. Nice that it was up there where the rain fell, not down near my house.