I have an Easter Egger roo. He got rather nasty so after an attack that punched a hole in my leg, I was furious. I like to beat him to death with the feed bucket. I chased him around the coop, lambasting him with the bucket. Now he stays far away from me. Kicking a rooster only excites them to fight more. Try the bucket therapy while screeching at him.
Glaucoma. Boo. Was not expecting to hear that. I truly hope tha specialist can help you. Big hugs. If you get down, you can always go throw the bucket at the rooster. LOL
Did you buy a lottery ticket?
I hope you don't have glaucoma! Wouldn't they be checking for that at routine eye checkups? They do me and I don't think anyone in my family has ever had it.
Sounds like time for rooster training with a long stick. Keep that boy moving where and when you want him to. Annoy him just for the heck of it even when he isn't being aggressive. Time for him to see you as alpha chicken and keep his distance.
I had a rooster come at me once. I went and got my driving whip and walked around snapping it at him for about 15 minutes. He never did it again and even the hens give way when they see that whip.