Herd Master
I guess it doesn't hurt to ask 
Yeah for some reason there are those whose job it is to enforce the law that think the laws are for "other people" and even if they get caught the "brotherhood" will protect them. Not nice to hope someone hits the end of their road but it sounds like his DW will be a lot better off when he does.Yes isn't that the truth! He is a retired sheriff too, you would THINK that he would obey the law..not act like he is above it....stupid fidiot.....
You have good eyes for a senile old guy STAMiss @B&B Happy goats,
Sorry to interrupt the flow of the conversation, but I noticed something on your journal that I think I should address:
View attachment 71579
Miss @Rammy, are you back on the forum? If so, then welcome back! I sure have missed you.
It is expected to be in the 90s this weekend. (Currently in the mid 80s)