B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Lol, you're not the cookie grandma, are you? :lol:
I love that!! LOL LOL LOL I am the sausage, mean rooster soup, lamb and garden Mamaw. We picked a few of the last elderberries and I made some elderberry syrup. I put grated fresh ginger, a 4th teaspoon ground cloves and half teaspoon cinnamon in the pot. As it simmered, they both said how good it smelled and "what is it?" I told them and they wanted to know what is elderberry syrup. So I told them it was to keep flu and colds away. They helped me mash the berries through a strainer, add the honey and pour it in a jar. They immediately wanted some, pronounced it yummy and they took "Mamaw's medicine" home with them.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Neat about the stepping stones... there are about 8 or 10 at the new house that go from where you would park the truck before going into the carport, directly to the porch steps ( total 2 short steps) . Nice to not deal with dirt all the time.... then there is the concrete slab for the front "porch".... those "steps" are handy.

Yep, the getting old isn't for wimps is the understatement of the year....maybe the century????? Hope that you can see your way to getting some things repaired/fixed.... with this crazy covid crap.... THANK GOODNESS for Medicare.... at least for me and all the things now that I can get done and not pay outrageous deductibles like when I had ins at work.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your goats are dairy goats, right? Would raising a few meat goats for the freezer be any easier? Maybe sell the dairy goats and get just a few meat goats. I am supposing here, as I know little about goats........ :lol:

cement blocks of any kind are a bonus! We once drove past a building being torn down in town. There were cement blocks everywhere, so we stopped and asked for them. The two men doing the cleanup said we could have them. BJ had just had shoulder replacement, still had his arm in a sling and couldn't touch the blocks. I was muscling them to the truck by myself, that was tearing BJ up. The men couldn't stand by and watch this whitehaired ol' lady stagger around with the heavy blocks, so loaded up their Bobcat and put them in the truck for us! Score! It took awhile to unload them, but I have a nice pile of blocks. LOL LOL

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Lol, I have lots of projects to use them on, the first is a pad for washing my dogs, then more pathways, a base for the grill, more pathways, a pad in the sun for the goats, more pathways...are you seeing a pattern here ? Lol,
Definitely need those pathways for the rainy season and doing chores...I hate soggy wet feet and this time of year the rubber boots are too hot ...
Yes you may be able to train Bindi to steal blocks, I just think she will have a hard time stacking them :old
Funny. My Son was using his old childhood wagon to haul a few things up to the barn and tied a binder twine to the handle so he didn't have to bend down pulling it. I guess when he brought it back down and left it in it's place, Bindi took the binder twine in her mouth and pulled the wagon back out. I laughed when he told me. 😂 What next? Will she take the wagon on her heists and come home with lots of good treasures? 😂😁